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"Lo, I'm home!" The sound of Lauren's girlfriend's angelic voice sent warning bells throughout Lauren's head as she quickly shook the naked girl beside her.

"Camila! Wake up."

The brunette woke up confused but then realized that Ally was there as she heard footsteps on the steps.

"What the fuck are we going to do?" The Latina huffed out in panic as she ran to retrieve her clothes from the floor.

"Umm... hide under the bed."

The green eyed girl helped the younger crawl under and she made sure that the comforter was fully covering the bottom portion of the bed.

"There you are." The shorter girl entered the room as she reached up to kiss her girlfriend.

She grew concerned as the younger didn't kiss back and she pulled away, staring into her emerald pools.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

Lauren let our a nervous laugh. "Nothing I'm just exhausted. I um... couldn't get any sleep without you right beside me."

Ally blushed at the statement.

"I'll go make us some breakfast so you can have sometime to get a little more rest." The elder sent the dark haired girl a warm smile before leaving the room to prepare them a meal.

"God I thought she'd never leave."

Camila stood in the center of the room as she put on her clothes from last night but had also put on Lauren's oversized sweater that hung off her shoulder.

"Camz! Take it off."

"No. I missed wearing your clothes."

The brunette put her bottom lip out; pouting. Lauren walked up to her and brushed her hair back before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"What have we done?" She asked Camila as she rested her chin on top of the girl's head.

"We'll figure this out. I know we will."

They shared one last kiss as the brunette made her way towards the bedroom window; starting to climb out. The girl left and Lauren stood in the room trying to figure out how to resolve the situation she created.
2 weeks later~
After four long years of drama and school work, graduation day rolled around quickly. The week before, the girl's went to prom and it was an extraordinary night of laughs and memories. But now, it's time to say goodbye to Iridium High.

"Lauren Jauregui!" Lauren was named valedictorian as she made her way up to the stage, shaking all of the teachers and advisors hand before receiving her plaque.

She stood tall before the audience as she went up to the mic.

"My only request is for the class of 2018 to stand." The students whom were all adorned in their caps and gowns, obeyed her request as they all rose from their seats. "I just wanted to start by saying that we made it. We've proved that we could overcome any obstacle thrown our way and now anyone who has doubted us have been mistaken. We are all brilliant people that will sometimes in life make mistakes since none of us are perfect but just remember to strive for bigger achievements and to always be yourself." The girl signified for everyone to sit down except for four people. "Ally, Normani, Dinah, and.... Camila. You've all given me a reason to do my best. You've provided me with care and stability and I deeply cherish all of you for that. My dear besties, we made it and I will continue to take your guidance when I need it."

Once she finished, the crowd erupted in applause as the five friends wounded up in a group hug. Signifying the unity they all have. Well, except for Camila but they let that go for the time being.
The Polynesian and her girlfriend swung back and forth on the swing as they gazed up the stars in the night sky. They decided to take a stroll around the park as they wanted to just be together alone.

"We're officially adults now." Dinah laughed as she got up from her swing and standing in front of Normani.

"Didn't we always acts like ones."

"Not me but you."

The taller girl trailed her fingers up and down the older's leg, causing the girl to shiver.

"So this is it. We're done with that hell hole and are going to different colleges."

"We don't know that for sure, Dinah. We haven't been notified of what we were accepted into."

"But either way." Dinah hung her head down as she took a deep breath. "I don't wanna be without you."

"Of course you won't. We'll still be together."

"No I mean, I want to wake up beside you everyday and accompany you in the kitchen while we work together to make ourselves a meal. I want you, Normani Kordei to always be by my side because I want to love you until the day I die."

Baffled, the dark haired girl stared into her girlfriend luminescent brown eyes and grasped onto her hand.

"Dinah, baby, what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that... that I want us to get a apartment together."
Norminah babies!!!

So I watched "You Get Me" on Netflix and it was lit asf so I highly recommend it since I basically live on that app.

Also don't forget to vote and comment for all my stories. Especially Fuckgirl and 5h gta since I entered both in the Watty's!!! Thanks for all the support and HOLLYYYYY SHITTTTT THIS STORY IS ALMOST AT 18 KKKKKK!!! Love you guys so much ❤❤

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