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ughh shoot me-
Lauren's POV~
"I just can't believe she would do that to me after everything that has happened between us." Normani weeps into my shoulder as I tighten my grip around her and pull the cover on us.

"We all knew Dinah was bad news since day one but she somehow changed for you so there has to be a explanation of why she would just up and cheat on you."

"She.. just g-got tired of m-e and she wanted someone new."

"Come on Mani, we don't know that for a fact. You guys have been through so much together so I don't think that Dinah would just risk your trust and relationship just for a fuck." I state matter a factly.

"Why are you defending her." Normani's face contorts into a frown. "You were the one that didn't like her."

"Yeah but I realized that everyone should be given a chance of redemption."

"Speaking of chances, why don't you give Ally one?" Normani catches me off guard when she mentions the one person that I'm trying so hard to think about since I'm still pondering on the previous event that took place between us.

"What are you talking about?" I send her a nervous laugh.

"You know exactly what the hell i'm talking about. I see the way that she stares at you and the side glances that you give her. You may not know it yet Lo, but you and Ally have something really special and unbreakable between you two and you guys deserve to be together."

"I have Camila already. The enticing brunette girl that I had a crush on since kindergarten, the girl that I've fought so hard to notice my existence, even at least glance at me and now when all of those things have happened, it's like I have to push it all away. I love Camila and I love Ally, I just don't want anyone to get hurt."

"I completely understand your dilemma but Camila has nothing on Ally. You and Ally have been friends since you were both in diapers, and to this day, you guys are stuck together like glue."

"That's the thing, we're best friends, even sisters, and I don't want that to change." I state.

"It won't because love comes in mysterious ways and what you guys have is special." Normani rubs my back soothingly as I process all that was said.

"It's time to make a decision Lo, Camila or Ally?"

I take in a deep breath as I contemplate which one do I want to be with and I'm not shocked with the end results.

"I always thought love was just a saying, that people fling around carelessly but I learned that love is being able to feel comfortable around that person, able to feel safe and have a hand to hold in the darkness of days. I've learned this through the time I've spent with the beautiful, Ally Brooke Hernandez. She's always been my rock and comforter and I want the feeling that I have when I'm around her to stay like that but to expand to new heights in the journey we all call, love." I finish and Normani claps at my decision.

"Ally is truly a lucky girl. Now it's time to end things with Camila."

"Yeah." I respond in a saddened tone. "But I don't know what to say."

"Don't worry, you've said enough." A voice startles is both and I look up to see Camila . Tears are streaming down her face as her bottom lip quivers.

"Cami-" I get up and approach her, trying to explain.

"Save it Lauren, I knew what we had was only temporary." Tears continue to stream down her face but she continues to keep eye contact with me."I just wish that you could have confided in me first." She lets out a shaky breath and I heave out a sight as she kisses my cheek. "Goodbye, Lauren Jauregui." The way she says my name sends shivers down my body and I close my eyes. Once I opened them the sobbing brunette is gone.
Alren bitches😜😜🌸

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