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"Camila? What the fuck are you doing here?!?" The green eyed girl whisper-yelled at the Latina.

The girl only giggled as if there wasn't a problem with her presence.

"You know Lauren, we're still friends despite our little breakup that took place so chill out babe." Camila said that last part only audible for Lauren to here and she pushed passed the fuming girl; allowing her own self access into the house.

Camila made her way to where the other girls were sitting as Lauren followed her closely behind, knowing that havoc was going to erupt.

"Hello fellow friends." Lauren's ex made her presence known with a fake, peppy voice.

Camila hugged each of the girls and Ally eyed Lauren; trying to understand why the girl was there knowing that they both dislike one another. But Lauren simply shrugged and pleaded with her eyes that her girlfriend would remain calm.

The five girls resettled themselves on the floor as Ally sat on one side of Lauren and Camila on the other. Ally rolled her eyes at the brunette and Lauren wrapped her arms around the shorter girl; reassuring her that she only loved her.
Bored with conversing, the girls settled on watching White Chicks. They turned off the lights as they all snacked on the popcorn Ally prepared and the screen illuminated throughout the room.

Amidst the movie, Lauren felt a hand gripping her inner thigh and she looked over to see her girlfriend who had her eyes closed, clarifying that she dozed off. The only other person that was next to her was Camila and she saw the girl smirking next to her. Lauren pushed her hand away and tried to enjoy the movie but Camila's constant touches became irritating and distracting.
The movie finally ended, causing Normani, Dinah, and Camila to gather their things since it was getting late and they decided on heading home. The three girls left leaving only Lauren and Ally.

"Babe what was that all-" The older girl began but her phone buzzed signaling that she received a text message. "Umm Lauren, I have to go to my mother's house as she needs me to help her set up her lights."

"Right now?" Lauren groaned, not wanting her girlfriend to leave. "Can't you go tomorrow?"

"No I promised. Don't worry, I'll be home soon." The girl stood on her tip-toes to place a lingering kiss on the younger's lips and she pulled away before exiting the house.

Lauren sat in the living room, scrolling through Instagram when the doorbell chimed and she grudgingly got up.

She opened the door and standing there for the second time that night, was Camila.

"Camila what do you want?"

"Hey don't be rude. I think that I left my phone in your living room."

Lauren rolled her eyes while reluctantly giving the girl permission to enter and the brunette walked into the room, searching the place. Attempting to get the girl to leave quicker, the older girl assisted her in her search. She checked on the floor and under the couches but she had no luck.

"Camila I don't see it." She spoke as she got up from her position on the couch and turned around before being pushed back onto the couch with a smirking Camila that climbed on top of her; straddling the girl.

"Hmm seems like I found it." The Latina masked a mischievous grin on her face as she showcased her phone to the green eyed girl.

"Great now please get off of me and leave." Lauren attempted to get her to move but the brunette wouldn't budge.

"I know that's not what you truly desire." The girl whispered into Lauren's ear before nibbling on it, making a sinful moan leave the dark haired girl's mouth. "I know you want me Lauren. Don't deny it."

The green eyed girl tried to contain herself as she ordered the girl to remove herself from her lap but the younger only proceeded to leave kisses and gentle caresses along her skin. Lauren couldn't deny that she was having wild thoughts about the Latina as she looked extremely hot. Camila's long wavy hair flowed over her shoulder as she wore minimal makeup having an almost natural look. Her attire was a loose t-shirt that displayed her cleavage in a delicious matter and her shorts exposed the portion under her butt.

"Come on Lo. One last time wouldn't hurt. Please papi."

With that said, Lauren lunged at the girl attacking her neck, leaving small bites as she pressed her lips against the other's. She pushed Camila down on the couch and climbed on top of her, helping the girl remove her clothing before discarding her own. They were completely naked as they moved against each other, causing naughty words to echo off the walls.

They were alone that night as Ally notified Lauren that she would spend the night with her mother as she was to exhausted to journey her way back home and the green eyed girl replied with a simple 'okay' as she continued to fuck the other girl on numerous places in the house; not once allowing her mind to think about the fact that she has a girlfriend because her only thoughts was about the beautiful girl she was with.
I know ya hate Lauren now 😂😂
*sips tea*

But I decided to enter this story in for the #WATTY'S2017 awards!!!! There is an 100% chance that I will not win because so many amazing authors are competing against me and I suck at writing😂 but it's up to you guys if I win or not so please vote, comment, and read!!! Love you hoes!!!❤❤ bye bishessss

p.s. don't forget to check out Philophobia!! It's going to be lit

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