Chapter Forty: They sure were eggcellent.

Start from the beginning

I shake it and hear no suspicious sounds, so I decide its best for me to open it, and me being the sweet and delicate person I am, rip it open like it did something to offend me.

Out falls a small scrap of paper the size of a sticky note with handwriting that I know all too well. At least once a week I wake up with one of these little notes. Sometimes he would keep it simple and put it under a glass of water on the table. But somedays when he was feeling like a badass he will place it in odd spots, and by odd spots I mean my open mouth while I was snoring and he thought of it as payback for his lack of sleep. He thought he was hilarious.

He was lucky I was in love with his laugh.

I lift the note, letting the wide smile take over my face, his handwriting as per usual was perfect. Swirly and loopy.

Better get your cute little ass moving, Smiles. I got a surprise waiting for you at our special falling tree. -Greyson (also known as your gorgeous boyfriend, lucky you ;))

I snort at the arrogance that I find so oddly charming and read the note again. What the hell is he talking about? Falling tree? Also, doesn't he realize that I have work? I can't just leave.

Right then the mail guy stops at my desks and drops another envelope. I seriously can't with this boy.

I wring it open and roll my eyes at the words, already got it cleared it with the boss, sweetcheecks. Get moving. I'm not waiting all night for you! -Hot Ass (why don't you call me that anymore? I miss it.)

I snort and grab both notes as well as my keys and head towards the studio to get the okay from the boss. As I tap on the window she looks up and smiles, shooing me away with her hand and going back to the dyed blonde.

I wink at Jeff as he waves me farewell and I practically skip down the stairs.

Looks like todays gonna be an adventure.


I haven't been here in what feels like ages. It's only been two? Three? Years, yet it feels like forever. Thank god, I don't have classes today, otherwise I would be royally screwed. I would never make it back to them in time.

I walk the familiar trails towards the campsite. It only took me about twenty minutes to figure out what he meant by falling tree, and by that time I was already half way there. It was like my mind was bringing me there without me realizing it.

The only thing is... I have no freaking idea where that tree is. But I was willing to risk the chance of running into my old squirrel friend to figure out what type of tricks Greyson has up his sleeve.

I took a deep breath and pulled up my metaphorically big girl wonder women undies and marched into the awaiting trees.


The damn trees were all the same! Every last one of them. He could not have remembered the exact one that he had fallen out of.

Oh! Who the hell am I kidding! Yes, he would. Because he's Greyson, and he remembers everything. The boy was more of a helpless romantic then anyone I had ever met. He watches more Rom Coms then I do, and that's saying something.

I was about to give up until I saw the bright flicker of green from the corner of my eye. Score! I ran towards the tree and pounced on the note. I patted the tree and mumbled a, "I missed you, old friend," before reading the note like it was the last thing I could do.

Took you long enough! Gosh! Slow poke. I glare at the note like it was him. He wasn't even here and he was being an arrogant ass. Well now that you have finally graced our friend, the falling tree, with your presence it's time for your next stop. Do you remember all the pretty colors? They sure were eggcellent. (: See you soon, Love Bug -Greysie (I hated writing that. It only sounds nice when it's your lip saying it.)

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