Chapter Eight: You still harboring that crush for Blossom?

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October 19th

Its been a little over a week since the dinner with Greyson and his mom. To say it was awkward was an understatement.

Greyson and I were both avoiding each others eyes and Rowan obviously picked up on that. Being the loving brother he is, he decided to make the whole situation worse by bringing up every memorie of our childhood that involved Greyson.

Most of them being torturous pranks him and Greyson used to pull on me.

Whether it was dumping water on me when I was asleep or putting green hair dye in my conditioner.

Every since that strangly intimate conversation on the roof, Greyson hasn't said a word to me. The few times I saw him was when he was working on his car with Jacob next door or in passing through the hallway.

I can only hope that he has forgotten about the whole blackmailing thing.

Cole and me are good, however. Were right back to normal. By normal I mean, me sneaking out and walking the couple blocks to his house and snuggiling up with him till I have to go home. There have been few incidents with Stacy Slutston thank god.

I guess everyone just doesn't really care about whos dating who.

I wish Cole would see that.

God I need to stop moping over this.

I agreed to this. I knew this is what would happen.

I pick up my cup of tea and watch as Rowan attempts at throwing a pancake in the air.

I watch as half of the pancake lands in the pan and the rest on the floor.

"I think you did it wrong."

He turns around and glares at me, "shush your mouth unless you have something useful to say."

I spin my spoon in my blue mug, "why can't we just make waffles like we usually do?"

He pours more batter into the pan, "because we need to switch it up."

"But waffles are better."

He ignores me and moves the pan back and forth getting ready to throw the pancake in the air again. It goes up, up, up, and falls straight to the floor.

"Can we have waffles now?"

He sighs angeryly, "your difficult."

I stop spinning my spoon, "why do people keep saying that?"

He laughs as he pulls the waffle maker from the cabinet and starts making them.

"When do you have to go back to school?"

Rowan turns around and leans against the fridge, "saturday."

"I wish you didn't have to go so soon."

He smiles, "me either sis. But I asked mom if we could use her car so you could bring me out there and then come back. You can meet my dorm mate and I'll show you around campas."

I smile, "what did she say?"

The waffle maker beeps and he walks over and pours some mix into it.

"That its okay but that someone else has to come with us so that your not driving back by yourself."

That makes sense, I guess.

"I'll ask Sam or Liam."

He slowly turns around with a guilty smile, "I actually already asked someone."

Caught up with the Bad Boy {COMPLETE!}Where stories live. Discover now