Gangs and Bullets(Brettonio)

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Requested by @kaylie_-_03.Enjoy. 

Antonio had just got his job back at the 21 district. To tell the truth he didn't like his job at the state's attorney's office.  He was glad he was back with his true family. 

"Okay Nick James. Part of the gang war that's been going on these last few weeks. This gang is starting to get messy. We need someone to go end this gang."Hank said. 

"I'll do it."Antonio said. 

"Dawson, are you sure?"Hank asked. 

"Yeah. Send someone with me if you want. "Antonio told his boss . 

"Jay, you'll go undercover with him. We'll be your backup."Hank said. 

An hour later Antonio and Jay went to the locker room to get ready. When Antonio was getting reading, brett called. 

"Hello."He answered. 

"Hey. How's you first day back?"Brett asked him. 

"It's okay. Going undercover with Jay."Antonio told his girlfriend. 

"Be careful babe. You know how it goes every time you go undercover."Brett chuckled. 

"So Gabby told you."Antonio laughed. 

"Well duh. I'm dating her brother. I'll see you later. And don't get shot."Brett says. 

"I won't . Love you."Antonio hanged up. 

"So, Gabby told her about you getting shot at."Jay chuckled. 

"Yeah she did."Antonio laughed. After they got ready they went over to the gang.

"Guys, welcome our new members Jacob and Tony."The gang leader leader said. They waved. 

"Let's go. Everything you need to learn is from out here."The other member said. Everyone nodded. 

Jay and Antonio were actually  doing everything they were suppose to when someone guy came out with a gun pointed and Antonio and Jay. 

"Boss these two are cops."The guys said. 

"No we aren't."Antonio lied.

"Wow. Dude let's calm down."Jay said. 

"Nah, you two are so dead."The guy said. 

"Then shoot me."They both said. That was the key word. The whole team came in. 

"Chicago PD."Everyone yelled. . The guy got nervous and shot Antonio. 

"50-21 George requesting an ambulance at my location."Erin says into the radio. 

Soon Gabby and Brett took him to Chicago Med. Brett waited by him until he woke up. 

"Brett."He said weakly.

"You gave me a scare."Brett said. 

"And I'm sorry for that."Antonio said. 

"And when I say don't get shot, please don't ."Brett chuckled. 

"I love you."He said trying to change the subject. 

"And I love you too. "Brett hit him playfully and kissed him. 

Remember to request any one shot you want. 

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