~Chapter 9~

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~Lucy's Pov Still~ 

The next day I woke up at sunrise like I normally did but I felt as if something was off. I wasn't sure on what but something was off. I ended sitting at the desk mirror brushing my hair trying to figure out what this feeling was. Normally when I thought on it I would get a small vision for a hint. After sitting there for awhile I was unable to the vision as it had to of been an hour had passed. I sat up and turned around my eyes widen as I saw Irene in my room standing there looking toward me holding her staff. 

"Lucy you are safe" she spoke in relief smiling toward me. The first thing I did was rush up to her, hugging her. I missed her. Before Natsu took me here Irene was on a important mission in another country. She and I were very close. "Lucy come with me back home, please. This way Zeref might not punish Natsu" Irene spoke as she hugged me back as I ended up thinking on it. I pulled away taking a deep breath. "I won't leave Natsu's side" I spoke so surly as Irene shook her head putting her forehead on mine.

"Be with the one you love but once Zeref orders me to drag you home I will have no choice so until then be happy Lucy" Irene spoke as I looked away smiling my cheeks burning up slightly as when I looked back she was gone my window wide open. Irene. I smiled more, changing as I then headed downstairs toward the kitchen seeing Erza truly did buy a ton of food for me, Natsu and Happy like I was informed. I soon started cooking right as I dished up I turned my head to see Happy and Natsu drooling slightly.

"Lucy god I love it when you cook" Natsu spoke my cheeks blushing slightly as I passed them their plates as they thanks me heading to the living/dinning room as I took my plate taking a deep breath joining them. "Zeref will attack soon Natsu" I spoke sitting down as Natsu was about to put some food in his mouth but stopped looking toward me. "And we will beat him" he replied as I looked toward him with a serious face. "Can we really? Even with me, my feelings for Irene, August, Brandish and Dimaria means they get go through my shields" I asked/informed him.

Happy was looking toward Natsu with a worried face. "You are more than someone to be a shield Lucy, I know Fairy Tail can beat them without any trouble please trust me on that, we won't let them win" Natsu replied in a serious tone his own face having a serious look as I was unsure he was right. People like Irene and August....They was powerful......Deadly......Able to beat us even if they went full out. August could kill people by just being near them after all. "Natsu will you let me join the fight?" I asked making him freeze up.

I saw by his face what the answer was. No. He didn't want me in the big fight to come. "If there is a chance of winning it's my enchantments and shields. I need to join the fight if you truly are serious about this" I spoke as he leaned back putting his fork down sighing. "I know but I don't want you hurt" Natsu replied as I shook my head. "Zeref will kill anyone who knows that I even breath. Everyone in this town will be killed Natsu" I spoke as Happy was quiet in shock about all of our words.

His face changed. He was thinking on his true answer to my question. He knew there wasn't a chance unless I joined the fight or at lest helped with shields and enchantments. I sighed once more as he looked right into my eyes. "Are you sure you can fight Irene? Can you truly fight any of them and not hold back?" Natsu asked as this time I froze up looking toward the food as he caught me. I knew them all as family. "After time here, after accepting Fairy Tail I can" I answered looking toward Natsu.

"Alright but only if you fight by someone else's side" Natsu then spoke as I smiled nodding as we ate. Soon as we finished eating we headed out to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. Once there everyone was greeting us with smiles. "Just in time we got a job" Erza spoke as she, Wendy, Gray and Carla were at the bar. "So soon?" Natsu asked as Erza nodded showing us a picture of an old temple. "Explore and recover what we can, this place is at the boarder line they want powerful members to go so Master picked us" explained.

"The ruins on through the pictures show it was a temple for Angels and Humans" I spoke as Erza handed me the picture in some shock. "You can understand the old language?" Wendy asked sounding excited as I nodded. "Back home there are many old temples and ruins like this" I replied as Natsu had some worry look in his eyes as he looked toward me. He was worried and over protective like normal. "Alright lets go" Gray spoke sounding bored as Erza nodded. That was when we all headed out the guild hall headed to a train station.

"Boarder is filled with Dark Wizard followers so we all better be on guard" Carla spoke on the way as it got my mind thinking. If I went to as many temples and ruins would I be able to figure out what really happened or maybe could I stop Zeref from this war?

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