~Chapter 4~

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~Lucy's Pov~ 

Erza reminded me much of Irene. I wondered what the 'Master' and Natsu talked about. Natsu was getting questioned by Mira about how close me and him really were. I was trying so hard not to blush. "Natsu still got it in you?" Gray soon asked as I saw some hate in his eyes. I was able to easy tell one's emotion. I wasn't sure if i could trust him. He did attack Natsu after all. "Asking for a sparing match already?" Natsu asked smirking as both boys had a vibe on them. "I do need to see if you can fight Natsu" Erza spoke her arms crossed.

"I'm up for it" Natsu spoke as I looked toward him worried. He smiled toward me. "Lucy I won't get badly hurt you got my back don't you?" Natsu asked as I smiled and nodded as Natsu got up smirking toward Gray. "Wanna go to the training room then?" Natsu asked as I was still a bit worried. Leo walked over hugging me from behind. "Calm down before you lose control" Leo whispered as Natsu looked toward me worried right away being able to hear with his father being a dragon. "I'm fine" I whispered back smiling toward Leo. 

"While we are finally on the good side call me Loke now" Leo....I meant Loke smiled freeing me as he looked toward Gray. "Trust me when I say this don't hurt Natsu too bad you don't want to get on Lucy's bad side" Loke spoke as Natsu laughed as I rubbed the back of my head remembering the last guy who attacked Natsu back home. He was nearly killed. I didn't mean to, it just happened. Just like the shield earlier, my body just moved on it's own protecting him. Then again that is what happens when an Angel falls in love.

They would protect their lover until the very end. "Lucy would you like to join the spar?" Erza asked as I looked toward Natsu who I saw wasn't sure on it. "I think I will sit this one out I don't want to hurt anyone like I did with Gray's hand" I spoke as Gray looked at his hand that was still burnt as I got up walking over offering my hands. "Can I fix it?" I asked confusing him as Natsu informed him I had healing powers. Gray nodded as he took my hands. A golden glow came over my hands as within seconds the burn was gone.

I moved my hands away as Gray was in shock. "Even our healer ain't that fast" Gray spoke looking toward me. "I have had a lot of practice" I spoke as I was always the healer back at the castle. Gray thanked me as Loke asked if Natsu and I had a place in Magnolia yet. "My house is still there and has a room for Lucy there too" Natsu answered as Loke nodded as Loke came over taking my hand kissing it. "Until the next summon" Loke winked toward me as he vanished back to his world as I shook my head.

"I'm in more shock he wasn't flirting with you" Natsu spoke as Erza asked if I could join her in watching the sparing match. I nodded as Natsu and Gray went ahead both whispering names at each other as Erza and I followed not far behind. "I do hope one day we can spar ourselves Lucy" Erza spoke as I looked away. The last person I spared with nearly died, another reason Natsu wasn't sure on it. I lost control of my own magic way to easy. We soon went downstairs into a giant room as Ezra clicked her fingers as I felt a shield go up.

"Lucy and I will be judging you both know the rules" Erza spoke loudly as both boys went to a wall of the room both excited as I looked toward Natsu a little worried. "Remember Lucy no joining the fight it's a friendly spar" Natsu spoke winking toward me as I smiled slightly. He knew me too well but he also knew I couldn't help but protect him. "Don't listen to him, the more one uses their magic the more control they get, the more they can make it grow and the more it can change" Erza spoke shocking me.

"You don't mind me jumping in?" I asked as the two spoke rushed at each other full speed their fist slamming onto each other sending out a blast nearly pushing me backwards. I was in shock. Back home no one could match up to Natsu's magic. This Human was able to do it in one punch. "I will be jumping in to join Gray, I'm mostly agreeing to this spar so Gray and I can let out steam. What happened before not Natsu's fault but we are still scared of it happening again" Erza spoke as I heard from others what happened.

Zeref sent his whole army in order to bring Natsu home. Invel one of the generals put it through his head that Natsu must of been forced to stay. Natsu informed me that was lies, he just forgot to check the days he was there. I trusted Natsu a lot more than Invel. "I won't let anyone attack here, Natsu cares about this place to much" I spoke smiling looking at Erza who was at some shock but smiled toward me putting a hand on my shoulder. "Try not doing to much for Natsu he has to learn to protect things himself but thank you, Lucy" Erza spoke as her clothes turned into a white light.

I was in shock just sensing her magic. Nearly just as great as Irene's! That was really saying something. Erza's outfit was soon in Fire Empress Armor. I had seen a book about Requip mages armors. I had nothing else to do but read a ton back at the castle. Erza moved fast a sword in her hand as Natsu had to jumped out the way as Erza's sword hit the ground destroying it. Gray smirked. I got a little worried about to move but my mind went to how I promised Zeref to never use my magic much. He done something to Natsu.

Natsu wasn't planning for us to go back. I knew that. Whatever Zeref was planning was too much for Natsu to handle. With that this was our new home in a way. I was allowed to use magic here. I took a small breath as I then noticed a tattoo on Gray's right arm. Demon Slayer Magic. It was very rare to see. The tattoo had a purple glow start to go around it as Gray was sending ice weapons toward Natsu who was moving around just able to miss them all. Erza showed up behind him as I saw Natsu was too busy missing Gray to move from Erza in time.

My body moved on it's own as my hand was up a shield around Natsu as Erza's sword it. Once hit it sent Erza flying to the wall as I moving my other hand forward a seal showing under Natsu who smirked. Gray was standing there in shock looking toward me. "Power boost of the gods" I whispered as Natsu moved faster than Gray could punching him into the wall as he turned around catching Erza's sword. Erza was now in utter shock turning her head toward me. That was when I sensed it. 

All magic I just did went off as I fell onto my knees taking deep breaths. "Lucy? "Natsu asked worried rushing over not caring about the spar. I was able to sense someone who used to meet Invel at the castle. He scared me and always was around when Natsu was forced to leave on missions or to speak to Zeref. "H-he is near by" I spoke looking toward Natsu who looked at me worried as Erza and Gray were here in a second. "Who?" Natsu asked as I hugged him. "The blonde guy" I whispered as Natsu hugged me back.

"Zancrow" Natsu muttered deadly as I just hugged him tighter. 

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