"c'mon people, chop the fuck off!" yoongi yelled as he snatched jooheon from taehyung and cradled his son to his chest. "my wife's waiting at the altar. you know how impatient that idiot is, she might leave, then we'd have to search for her in every mcdonald branch, and that shit is tiring." i could only laugh as i listen to yoongi. it seemed as though he was being romantic, but no, he was only being practical.

typical yoongi.

we arrived at the venue two minutes before the ceremony. i could hear yoongi sighing in relief as he places a small peck atop jooheon's head. "we're here, sport. i'm going to marry your mother, how cool is that?" i hear him whisper.

"– so cool, papa!" jooheon cheers.

i couldn't help but smile at the short father and son bonding happening in the back. it felt good seeing them both smiling and happy. yoongi might not show it much but i know he had been dreading for this day in years. everybody knows how whipped he is for seulgi, only a dumb fuck wouldn't.

when we entered, seulgi was nowhere to be found, which somehow made yoongi grow weary. he began to think of unlikely thoughts such as seulgi changing her mind and things like that.

"nah, hyung. she's just probably somewhere." i try to reassure him. "– noona would never bail on you, she's just as whipped as you are."

"– you really think so?" he contemplated, his teeth chattering as he stood firmly.

"yeah," i nodded. somehow i felt the need to comfort and reassure him. he had done a lot of things to ease me during my time of need. yoongi had taught me so many things, and opened my mind into so many aspects and things. he enlightened me into so many lessons that i felt the need to give back, even just this once.

yoongi smiled at me, reached a hand for a high five to which i gladly accepted. "i needed that," he tells me, before the familiar sound of wedding bells echoed through the room, signalling the start of the ceremony.

my eyes roamed the place. it wasn't that grand, but it was beautiful, white and yellow everywhere as the scent of roses invaded my nostrils. the place brought a smile to my lips, it was too yoongi and seulgi-ish.

then it was time to open the large gates. i could feel taehyung getting excited beside me, his boxy grin in full display. "i'm so happy for them," i hear him say.

both yoongi and seulgi's family are also present. they were all smiling in glee, happy and contented as it brought them to tears.

we all turned to watch and cheer as jooheon walked the aisle, a maroon pillow in his hands in which where the rings are placed atop of it. he walked in all his glory, his dimple popping out as he put on the biggest smile he could muster for his parents' wedding.

he looked so cute and adorable doing such thing, his eyes disappearing in between his lids, grinning from ear to ear as if to broadcast how happy he just is. everybody was awed at the cute little six year old, genuine smiles displayed as everybody cooed at the little bulldozer.

then there was her.

i watched as yoongi looked away the moment seulgi walked the aisle accompanied by her father, unable to keep himself intact as he looks up at the ceiling, trying his best to blink the tears away. then he smiled. the kind of smile that only shows up whenever he stares at either his son or her.

it was the kind of smile that lits his whole face up as though nothing mattered but her. he stared back at her and all i could see was stars and sunshine in his eyes.

it was as though he was seeing her for the first time— as though he was meeting her for the first time. then a tear slipped, and i suddenly wonder how nice it feels to be in that exact same position.

how blissful it is to feel such euphoria running through my veins. to feel such love and adoration, and to end up marrying the person.

i imagine it was me. and suddenly, the sky became a little bit brighter. i think it would be nice to settle down someday, to finally have that forever i have been searching for my whole damn life.

a life with him.

"beautiful," i read yoongi's lips as he mouths the word. i then turned to seulgi and watched as her face blooms into a deep shade of red, her lips trembling and her eyes glossy as if she is in the verge of balling her eyes out.

this is the kind of love i want. the purity and genuineness of it. i love the way their eyes held such burning passion as they stared at each other as though the were staring at their world, their forever— the love of their life.

everybody laughed as yoongi could no longer wait and just outright met seulgi half way. he extended his hands and seulgi knew right away to lean in to his touch. they shared a sweet embrace. there was no words exchange but everybody knew how much they felt for each other.

yoongi then shyly scratched the back of his head as he bows and greeted seulgi's father in respect. the said man smiled and whispered something in which only yoongi heard before letting his princess go.

they both walked up to the altar and greeted the priest in such delight, and the ceremony finally began. the priest gave his welcoming remarks and speeches, and soon both yoongi and seulgi was finally exchanging vows.

it was too beautiful that i didn't even realise i was already crying. if it weren't for taehyung, i wouldn't even know that i've been crying like a constipated donkey.

"it's— i can't even," i hear hoseok whimpers behind me. i turn to see him bawling his eyes out as well— everybody is, apparently.

"you may now kiss the bri—" yoongi didn't even let the priest finish as he grabbed seulgi by the waist and sealed their marriage with a lovely kiss.

the priest could only chuckle in amusement, as well as everybody. we all cheered, most especially hoseok, who's seems to be very proud and happy for his best friend. when the newly wedded couple pulled away, yoongi turns to us and gave us the biggest smile he could muster, "she's finally mine," he says, his voice so happy and full of glee.

i gave him a thumbs up as taehyung leaned on me to do the same as well. hoseok rushed to give yoongi a high-five and a bear hug whilst seokjin was too emersed in crying on namjoon's chest, probably touched by the wonderful couple's vows.

i didn't know what came to me when i suddenly reached for my phone and ran away, a huge smile on my lips as i dialled for a certain number.

"–kookie?" his voice sounded so serene and beautiful. it was too enchanting, almost like a beautiful melody played only just for me.

"hyung?" i cleared my throat.

"what is it, kookie?"

"will you marry me?"

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