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Taeyong ;

"What do you mean that you're going to America? And for 4 years too?" I said in disbelief.

Jaehyun sighed and looked at his feet, "I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice. Dad wanted me to."

I sighed in defeat, knowing that Jaehyun wouldn't defy his dad's orders. I slumped back onto my bed and covered myself with the blanket. Saturday mornings were usually cheerful and relaxing, but not today. To be woken up early just to hear bad news was horrible.

"Taeyong ah, I'm really sorry..."

He laid down beside me, staring at the ceiling.

"When are you leaving?"


"Be exact."

"In three days time," he finally says.

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Couldn't bring myself to tell you..." he confesses with a sheepish smile plastered on his face.

"You're leaving so soon and you'll be gone for so long what am I gonna do?" I pouted.

"It won't be that long and I'll still keep in contact with you."

"Don't forget about me okay?"

"I've known you since we were kids. How could I ever forget," he scoffs.

I smiled sheepishly, "lets go downstairs, i want breakfast."


The day that Jaehyun would leave for America approached quickly.

He had his suitcase prepared the night before and laid out his things on his table.

Grabbing his belongings, we boarded the car and placed his luggage in the trunk. It was a noisy ride to the airport, with Auntie always reminding him to take care of himself and contact us frequently.

The moment we reached the airport it was a few minutes till check in. We took that time to bid our farewells properly before Jaehyun checked in.

Auntie sent him off with tears rolling down her cheeks and Uncle trying his best to comfort him. Enveloping him in a big hug, I gave him my farewell and told him to comeback soon.

Letting go of the handle of his suitcase, he returned the hug and cupped my cheeks.

"I'll be back before you know it."

With that he placed a peck on my forehead and pulled his luggage towards the gate as he waved goodbye.

"How dare he do that in public," i muttered as a smile crept on my face.

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