7. Rogues at the Border

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    I make my way down to the pack cells

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I make my way down to the pack cells. It's exactly what it sounds like, it's a jail for mostly rogues or if one of the pack mates step out of line. It takes a lot for a pack mate to make it down here. Unfortunately one of ours has a permanent cell for life now.

The packs cells were a little bit away from the pack house and was guarded twenty four seven. No on got in or out without my permission first. There are some dangerous wolfs in these cells, included the one I'm about to see.

The two guards nod at me and open the door. Once in, I know exactly where to go. I've been here countless times since what happened three days ago. Apparently, Arthur one of our lower ranked wolfs had some kind of deal with a group of rogues. Three days ago he went outside of pack territory and met with a group of rogues. We still don't know why or if he told them anything important. That's why am here now.

I open Arthur's cell gate and walk inside. I see Arthur strapped to a metal chair with real silver handcuffs on. Not like what the police use, these have been molded together with real silver. Real silver can enable a wolf to shift and drains their strength. It also hurts a lot, so that's a plus.

I smile at Arthur and slowly walk towards him. "How's it going, Arthur?" I ask him and he snarls at me. I click my tongue on the top of my mouth. "Now that's not nice." I say while circling him.

I go over to the table in the left corner and grab a good size silver knife and stand in front of him. "So...I hope you like it rough." I wink and stab him with the knife in his right leg. He screamed and I laughed. I then yanked the knife out and made three gashes on both of his inner arms. I see him grinding his teeth and I say "Penny for your thoughts?" "I hope I'm there to watch him kill you." He says.

"Kill me? Have you forgot who your Alpha is? Arthur, I know your old but nows not the time for Alltimers." He barked out an airy laugh and said "I always loved your humor, Grace. Too bad it's going to die along with you." "It's Alpha to you." I say and grab the back of his chair and tilt it backwards. I call out to my wolf and my claws come out. I put my claws around his neck and apply pressure. "Who are you talking about?" I demanded. I punched him in the jaw when he didn't answer. "I'm not going to ask again." I say. He turned to me and smiled with blood on his teeth and said " His name is Levi and he's not a werewolf. He did rip into lily like one though."

That was the last thing he ever said. I killed him with my claws and let out a frustrated growl. I run my fingers through my hair and got a mind link from Bryan saying "Alpha?" "Yeah, what's up?" I asked. "Patrol just spotted rogues at the west border. He said. "I'm on my way." I say and cut the link.

I shift and make my way to the west border of the pack. I see Bryan first then about twelve of my patrol wolves waiting for me. I shift back and put some clothes on. "Where are they?" I ask no one in particular. "They left when they saw us, Alpha. They never pasted the border so they were standing on unclaimed land and we couldn't move in." I nod my head toward Hayden the one who responded. "How many times this week has this happened?" "Seven times, Alpha." Hayden responded again. "Next time this happens bring them to me. No one escapes this time." I said in my Alpha tone with my yellow eyes showing. "Yes, Alpha." They all say. I then shift into my wolf and head back to the pack house.

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