9. Figuring it Out

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After my eyes stopped changing and my wolf settled down I made the long trip back to the pack house with my mate. I still can't believe I found my mate or better yet he found me. I don't know how to act around him yet or anyone else for that matter, I know I will have to eventually tell Bryan and Ethan but I just can't rap my head around it yet. I don't know how to tell my mate that he is my mate. I want to be honest with him but right now I don't think it's the time. I'm also scared he might reject me. My wolf and I have been through too much pain already I can't and won't lose my mate. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my mates voice for the first time. It was almost so soft I didn't hear it.

"What's happening to me?" He asked. I could tell the mate pull was affecting him too. The site of him being confused and scared, pained me but I was glad he felt the pull too. I looked over to him with a small smile and asked "what's your name?" "Issac" he answered. "Issac" I whispered. Right after I whispered his name I saw him lose his footing and he tripped over a tree root. I reached out to catch him and after getting him back up right, I instantly moved my hands away from his body. Touching him was too much. I could feel the sparks and I wondered if he felt them too.

"Thanks.." he said. "Grace, my names Grace." I answered. He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. I knew in that moment that I would spend the rest of my life trying to make him happy just to see him smile again. I felt my wolf pushing to come out and meet our mate but I pushed her back harder. The last thing I want to do is hurt him. I need to get my wolf under control fast. Walking this close to him I could smell my scent mixing with his and it took all my control to not mark him as mine.

Marking your mate was a big thing for us werewolfs. It was a sign of a partnership where both pairs were looked at as equals. Marking your mate is permanent. If one of the mates die and you choice to live with the pain, your mark with slowly turn into a scar. The mate alive could move one with someone else but it's rare. Most die shortly after their other half dies or they are to consumed with pain to move on with another.

We make it to the pack house and I head to my office with Issac following. I mind link Bryan to tell my brother to meet me in my office. I mind linked Bryan because my brother and him are always playing Xbox or goofing off. Bryan responds with "Ethan's on his way." I say "Thank you" and cut off the link. I made it to my office and Ethan's sitting in one of the seats in front of my desk. "Hey, I'll be right back, ok? Can you wait here?" I ask Issac pointing to the bench that sits outside my office. "Yeah." He says and nods. While he takes a sit I slip into my office and sit behind my desk.

"Who's the guy, sis?" Ethan asks. "That is my mate." I say with a neutral face. "No way!" Ethan exclaims. I turn my head back toward my mate only to see him peeking in the window looking at my brother and me. When he seeing me looking he quickly looks away and try's to act normal. I chuckle and shake my head. I could tell my mates already going to be a hand full.

"He's human what am I suppose to do?" I ask Ethan. Ethan looks over to my mate then back to me and says "go slow. Don't rush into it and don't screw up." I let out a laugh and say "you have little faith in me." He smiles and says a little to seriously "don't be scared, he'll love you. And if he doesn't I'll shoot him."

Enjoy! :) Vote and comment if you will. 🌹

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