18. I can't do this

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    She didn't make it

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She didn't make it. That one line brought me so much pain and fear. It also angered me to no end. Knowing I was the cause of my mates current condition. His pain was my fault.

As I walked out of the hospital, looking at the faces of my pack members I felt so many emotions and none of them were good, all I could think was that they; the people I called family lied and betrayed their Alpha. Their Alpha that gave everything to them. They became my family, my lifeline after mine died. They were everyone to me until Issac came into my life. He's what I think about. He is my life now and I can't do this without him.

I make it out of the hospital and leaned my back against the wall. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself but it wasn't working. My eyes were still yellow, my fangs, and my claws were out. I hadn't shifted fulling but my wolf was out. I had the main control of my body but I felt her emotions stronger than ever. Her emotions were my emotions and we were angry.

She didn't make it. I growled out of frustration and punched the wall I was leaning on. He would make it, he had too.

I couldn't run this pack knowing what they did. Knowing that they lied. It's almost impossible for a wolf of a pack to betray another. It goes against wolf law and wolf nature. How could they betrayed their Alpha, that's the real question. I held the pack together when they needed me. They needed an Alpha and my brother and I had nowhere to go. At the time I didn't know it but we also needed family and they became that for us. Now it feels like everything's falling to pieces. I feel like I'm falling.

I slowly lowered myself to the ground and leaned against the wall. I felt a stinging sensation on my palms and looked down and saw blood. There were four wholes from where my claws had pierced my skin. I must have made a fist without knowing it.

I should be with my mate right now, I thought as I looked up to the sky. It portrayed my mood at the moment. As if hearing my thoughts a loud boom came from above and I watched as lighting instantly appeared and light up the sky. Rain drops started to fall but I payed no attention to them. My thoughts were on Issac.

I need to get out of here. No one needs to see me like this. This wasn't Alpha material. This wasn't me. I can't even control my wolf, how am I suppose to run my pack.

What if he dies, then what? His chances of making it out of this are slim to none. They don't even know what's wrong with him. I would have never marked him if I knew this was going to happen.

The doctors words continued to run through my mind and I didn't realize what he said before until now. He said he wasn't suppose to tell me. But who told him not to tell me? He was going to defy his Alpha for this person. Whoever this person is I have to find them and I know right where to look. It's not everyday I accuse a pack member. This needed to be handled gently. To bad it's going to be settled with claws.

I stood up on my feet and started to sniff him out. My wolf was still at the surface so finding his scent was easy. After finding his scent, I licked my canines like a wolf did after killing its prey.

My wolf was not the only one that wanted his blood. This was for mate. It was personal.

As I passed by pack members they seemed to tremble in fear at the state I was in. Eyes glowing, claws and teeth on show. Mothers and fathers grabbing their children and running into their house. By now news has spread the Alphas mate is in the pack hospital and his condition is unknown. The pack mind link was going crazy there was too many people talking.

"What's wrong with the Alpha?"

"Look at Alphas eyes!"

My pack as seen my yellow eyes on a couple of occasions but I try not to show them if I can help it. I don't want to be one of those Alphas that abuse their power. For me to show my eyes makes me feel superior to everyone else. At times knowing I'm the superior wolf helps me fight but I don't want to feel like that with my pack. Everyone's equal in my pack even the omegas. I don't abuse my leadership. To my pack I'm seen as a good leader not a hot head. To the outside packs and rogues I'm seen different, they don't know who I am yet. They know I have yellow eyes but they do not know what I'm capable of yet. I was still a big question mark to everyone.

When I made it towards him, his back was towards me. He was talking with some of the pack members and seemed unaware of the danger that lurked behind him. As I crept closer pack members shot me nervous glances and stepped out my way. They had just got done with training and the neighbors Alphas were spread around the field. I guess I forgot to tell them to leave, I'll deal with that later. Right now nothing was going to get between my Beta and me.

Thank you all for checking my story out plus commenting and voting! LOVE YALL.
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