19. Not in Control

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   I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with him

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I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with him. What would be more satisfying? So many decisions I thought as I approached him from behind.

I felt a shiver of delight run through my body at the thought of his blood on my hands. I wondered how I looked at the moment eyes crazed, half wolfed out, angry, and sad at the same time. I sure was a sight to see. Just wait until I'm done with the beta.

"You don't want to do this Alpha." I hear through the mind link. I turned my piercing gaze to the unlucky fool that thought he could tell me what I wanted.

Tyler my head warrior one of the good friends was looking at me like I've gone crazy. I could tell what he was thinking, he was thinking I've went rogue. Rogues are wolfs that either were banished or left there pack. Usually they all have reasons to become a rogue such as their mate dying or there Alphas banishing them. But Alphas turning rogue are extremely uncommon. There has never been an Alpha in history or one known that has turned rogue. An Alphas pack means too much to an Alpha for them to turn rogue. Your probably thinking what about the yellow eyed Alpha before me, well he didn't turn rogue exactly he went off to die because he couldn't live with out his mate. Theirs a difference between leaving a pack and turning full rogue. Rogues are vicious and horrible creatures they kill because they want to and for sport. There is a saying once a rogue always a rogue.

If you come across a rogue you can easily spot the difference if it try's to kill you, you kill it. Some rogues are looking for a new pack so they can feel complete again. Try not to kill those rogues they are the good ones.

"I know exactly what I want, Tyler and no ones going to stand in my way."

With a smirk I tapped my claw on Bryans shoulder. He turned around and before he could do anything I punched him with all the strength I had. I heard and felt his nose break. An Alphas punch takes a long time to heal. It hurts more too. If a normal werewolf broke your nose it would take a day or two depending on your wolf's healing but my punch would last months. It lasts so long because its seen as a disgrace if an Alpha hurts you. Not disgraceful to an Alpha but to the pack wolf that was hurt. Alphas do not hurt pack members unless for a punishment.

I didn't want to admit this to anyone but I could feel myself turning rogue. I felt my control over the situation begin to slip. Did I really want to kill Bryan? Sure I want him to be punished but to kill him? That's a totally different story and feeling all together. The real me didn't want to kill him but the beast did.

Slowly I felt the beasts emotions become my own. There was only two things holding me back: my mate and my brother. I have hopes that Issac will come back to me. The last Alphas mate was a wolf so maybe since Issac is a human he'll survive this. But what if he doesn't. Humans are weaker than
werewolfs. He doesn't have much of a chance.

My wolf has been whimpering this whole time and my thoughts weren't helping.

"Crap! What was that for, Grace?" Bryan yelled while holding his nose which had blood flowing from it.
"It's Alpha." I growled. He lowered his eyes and showed his neck. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill."

"Gr--- Alpha, I I.." he mutters looking up to me. I growled louder this time causing everyone to submit including the other Alphas.

I grabbed Bryan's hair and jerked his head so I could look into his eyes. He winced but keep my stare.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I didn't ask I commanded.

"I didn't think you would find your mate. I was hopeing you would mate with me. If you marked another that wasn't your mate the curse wouldn't happen." He said all in one breath.

I had one of those moments where your body takes control and it's impossible to stop yourself. But looking back I don't know if I would have. My fingers curled around his hair and I pulled.

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