13. Todays the Day

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        I woke up in a really bad mood this morning

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I woke up in a really bad mood this morning. I hardly got any sleep last night. Most of the night consisted of me over thinking things. I even watched some Netflix after Issac went to sleep. But my mind wouldn't take a break. I ended up watching a bunch of different shows until I finally had enough. I looked at the time an it was 5:00 in the morning. I went into the kitchen to make some coffee. While I waited for my coffee I jumped on the counter and I used my werewolf hearing to see if anyone else was up. I heard at least three showers running and then my coffeemaker beeped. I put some cream and sugar into it and headed upstairs.

While going up the stairs I bumped into one of the maids. I took a closer look and realized it was Tris. She was a newly turned werewolf so she was still learning. She was quite young when I first met her. I instantly took a likely toward her often times she reminded me of my sister. Both native and fragile to the world.

"Sorry Alpha." She said with her head bowed down in respect. I tilt her head up with my finger and shook my head. "You know you can call me Grace. You won't hurt my feelings." I say. She smiles at me and nods her head. I smile back and continue my way up the stairs.

I turn into my room and start getting ready. Today's the today all the Alpha's are coming. Thinking about it really makes me want to sigh out loud. Most Alphas are ignorant egotist males, so I know they aren't going to like me very much. Having a female as the yellow eyed Alpha creates some drama.

Anyway I go to my clothes met and get some clothes for a day. I decide to wear a simple top and some shinny jeans, no need to get dressed up especially if things become messy. And things tend to get messy with me around. I have no problem with telling an Alpha where to stick it. This is one of the reasons why I'm happy my destiny was a high rank, I don't listen to authority especially if the authority thinks they are all mighty. Right now I'm the most powerful werewolf on earth and if these Alphas can't see that we're going to have some problems and I don't have a lot of patience for them to understand so they better stay out of my way and away from my mate.

I don't like the thought of my mate being around all these Alphas. Him being human makes it even harder for me. I know the pack will protect him with their lives but no one can protect him like I can. But I can't be around him the whole time I have to play host until these Alphas leave. That's why I introduced him to the pack a couple of days ago so they can have time to meet before the Alphas come. Now knowing he's my mate they will do anything for him even if that meant risking their own lives.

Speaking of my mate I turn my head to see if he's still asleep and find him laying exactly where I left him. I look away from him when I hear a knock on the door, I let out a low growl and regret it when I hear Issac groan in his sleep. Is it weird that I found that hot? Never mind don't answer that..

I open the door and see Bryan then I quickly shut the door not realizing until after that I just shut the door in Bryan's face. Your probably wondering why I did that and to be honest I have a good reason for my actions. The point being is whenever Bryan and me were fooling around I never let him in my bed. And you might think I'm being weird but you don't know Bryan like I do, I know Bryan longs for his mate and I feel like it's a punch in the gut for him to see me and Issac together. I can tell he wishes that he found his mate before I did but he still fakes happiness for me and the pack and continues to be a great Beta. I didn't want him to feel hurt if he saw Issac in my bed.

"Who was at the door?" Issac asked. "No one." I say with a straight face. "Oh, so you just opened the door for no reason, huh?" He says. "Ok. You caught me, it was Abraham Lincoln." I say and throw my hands in the air. "Well why didn't you let him in? I have so many questions." He says sarcastically. I send a smirk his way and say "I wanted you all to myself." He laughs and does that cute little half smile that shows his dimple and it takes everything I have to not melt into a puddle on the floor.

He slowly raises out of bed and heads into the bathroom. He shuts the door and I hear the shower turn on. I decide to mind link Bryan to see what he wanted. "Hey Bryan. Sorry about earlier, what's up?" I ask. "Alpha, I was just going to tell you the other Alphas with be arriving at the dinner in about twenty minutes." He responded. "Ok, be ready. We will head that way in ten minutes. "Yes, Alpha." He replied and then I shut off the mind link.

Not long after I cut off the mind link Issac walks out freshly showered and clothed. He walks over to the closet and puts on a flannel over his white shirt. He then turns to me and says "ok, I'm ready." I give him a confused look "And where do you think your going?" I ask. "To the dinner with you." He responds. "No, you're staying here where it's stay. I don't trust all of these Alphas." I say while shaking my head. "Come on I'm tired of being stuck in this house and who can protect me better than you?" He says while crossing his arms and giving me the puppy dog face, eyes and all.

Dang it, he got me there. I'd actually feel better with him close to me but I'm not going to let him know that. I look at him one last time and I see him waiting for me to answer. I start walking towards the door and I turn and smile and say "you coming or what?"

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