20. Until we Meet Again

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    I stepped away from Bryan's body

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I stepped away from Bryan's body. Disgusted at not only the sight of him but myself also. I was soaked in his blood. The field that was once green was now red. I saw the terror on my packs face. I could hear them through the link wondering if they were next. They thought I was going to kill them. Some men and women went into protective stances pulling there children behind them.

It was the first time I've killed one of my own. The first pack member to die at my hands.

My eyes scanned the crowd and only one person didn't have fear in their eyes. My brother. I didn't realize he was here until now. I'm also just now realizing the gun in his hand. I breathed through my nose and immediacy smelt wolfs bane. It couldn't kill me but the amount he's using would defiantly knock me out.

I sent a small smile and nodded my head toward my brother letting him know that I was in control. I wouldn't attack my pack, my revenge died along with Bryan. He was the guilty one, no one else had to pay.

It became eerie silence until I felt a searing pain on the right side of my neck. I cried out and dropped to my knees. The pain was worst then shifting. It was like a fire spread throughout my body. It was quickly burning me alive, my eyes were slowly closing but before they did I looked up and met Ethan's. I'll remember his face for the rest of my cursed life. The dread on his and everyone else's face made everything click into place.

The pain on my neck was the mark a werewolf gets if their mate dies. It will stay with me until I die. Forever marking me as a widow.

"Get me out of here" I pleaded before everything went black.

*Ethan's Prov*

There were too many thoughts going through my head right now. The main one was how was I going to help my sister. I'm willing to do anything for her. She is the only family I have left. I'm not a wolf so there's no certainty of me having a mate. My sister finically found her mate and know one was more excited for her then me. It kills me that she lost her happiness. Because her losing her mate met me losing her. She couldn't be an Alpha anymore. I could see it in her eyes, she was done.

A hand on my shoulder brought me from my thoughts. It was Tyler. Memories of grace and his fight plague my mind. She trusted this guy and I was about to do the same.

"Tyler, take her to the house. Anyone who is not apart of this pack get off my land." I say looking over to the Alphas.

"Hayden" I say getting the attention of one of Graces best trackers. Someone else she trusted. "Go see what's happening at the hospital, and report back to me immediately."

I follow after Tyler as he carries Grace. "Where do you want her Ethan?" He asks.

"Put her in the jeep, I'll meant you there in a moment."

I walk up the stairs to Graces room and grab a bag. A stuff a few of her things in the bag. Including a hair brush, toothpaste, tooth brush, and some of her clothes. I pause looking at her bed when I see one of Issac's hoodies. I know she would want a part of him but it would also be a painful reminder. I don't have much time to decide so I quickly grab it after hearing Tyler honk the horn. Stuffing it in the bag I ran down the stairs and jump into the jeep.

"Ethan, are you sure about this?" Tyler saying looking at Grace laid out in the backseat.

"I know my sister" I responded sounding sure but I didn't want to do this anymore than he did. I know it was going to be hard for him though with her being his Alpha what we're about to do will take a lot of will power for him.

After getting about two hours away from our border I decided this was probably as far as we should go. Being on unmarked territory for to long could cause some trouble for us. Any rogue could sense a pack wolf like Tyler and I didn't want to stay around to find out what they would do with us. I also didn't want Grace to wake up before we left. Tyler and I would not be able to leave her and I know this is what she needs even if it's not what the pack or I needs.

We get out and Tyler gently leans her against a tree and I strap the backpack around her. Tyler gets back into the car and I press a kiss to her forehead.

"Until we meet again sister, hopefully we'll both be happier."

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