Old Thoughts

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1 month later

Jimin and Yoongi hadn't been talking much lately. Jimin knew he couldn't blame Yoongi for being more distant, as it made sense that ever since the company faced difficulties, he became busy trying to fix it.

Yoongi's company and BigHit Entertainment had published their first ads, and as predicted, it helped both companies a lot. BigHit got much more recognition, and Yoongi's company began getting new customers and investors.

But now, as the company was on the uprise again, Yoongi seemed to work more. Jimin felt the other man barely even had time to look at him. Every time Jimin tried to do some of the things they used to, like kissing, cuddling, or even talking, Yoongi always had the same answer. 'Later, he was too tired right now'.

Jimin knew he was being clingy and needy. Yoongi was, after all, just trying to be a good CEO. And even though he saw Yoongi every day, Jimin slowly began feeling lonelier. He didn't want to complain. Yoongi was doing his best, so Jimin just had to deal with this empty feeling inside his chest and move on.

Jimin blinked a couple of times, bringing him back to reality. The reality where he had just spaced out in front of his computer. He awkwardly looked around, checking to see if anyone had noticed. And unfortunately, someone had.

"Jimin... You don't look too good. Are you doing okay?" Namjoon asked as he made his way over to Jimin's desk.

"Yeah, don't worry, Namjoon. I am doing juuust fine!" Jimin stated while putting on his best fake smile.

Namjoon looked at him suspiciously, as if he saw right through him. But as Jimin forced the smile to stay on his lips, Namjoon gave up and tried his best to seem convinced.

"Okay, but if you need to talk to someone, I am here," He assured him, which told Jimin that the other man definitely didn't believe what Jimin had said but merely respected that Jimin didn't want to talk about it.

Jimin nodded gratefully, and Namjoon walked back to his desk, leaving Jimin alone again. He felt a pit in his stomach, and his heart began beating faster as the loneliness, once again, set in. Why was he panicking like this? Jimin needed some fresh air. Maybe some cold water would help. And on that note, he left the department in a hurry, heading towards the bathroom to calm down.

After splashing some cold water on his face, Jimin wondered why his body had reacted that way out of nowhere. He knew his anxiety had gotten worse lately. But this, this was almost like back in the old days, when Jimin was living alone in his depression slump.

"Trying to wash your ugly face off?" A familiar voice laughed, making Jimin slightly jump as he had thought he was alone in the bathroom.

He turned around, seeing Hoseok leaning up against one of the stalls.

"I'll leave now," Jimin said, trying not to annoy him.

"Stop," Hoseok demanded, and Jimin did as he was told.

"Why are you still here?" Hoseok asked with a frown.

"Because you just told me to stop?" Jimin answered, confused. Had he heard wrong?

"You're really dumb, huh? I obviously meant that you should stop working here," Hoseok clarified.

"But I like working here," Jimin half-lied. He honestly didn't even know if he liked it here or if he just liked being close to Yoongi.

"I don't care. I want you to quit," Hoseok yawned as if Jimin was the most uninteresting person in the world.

"I won't," Jimin spoke, finally standing up for himself.

"Ugh, you're so stubborn! Please just do us all a favour and leave. I promise you, no one wants you here anyway," Hoseok walked towards Jimin, his body language threatening.

"They do want me here," Jimin defended. He wasn't going to let Hoseok step all over him this time.

"No, they don't." Jimin could hear the anger in Hoseok's voice.

"They do." At this point, Jimin didn't know whether he was trying to convince Hoseok or himself.

"Who? Who wants you here?" Hoseok scoffed.

"Yoongi! Yoongi wants me here!" Jimin snapped. Hoseok looked surprised, and not in a good way. Jimin already regretted namedropping Yoongi. He knew Hoseok had a thing for him.

"You know what? Everything would be so much easier if you just killed yourself," Hoseok spat before walking out, leaving Jimin alone and speechless.

Did he just tell Jimin to kill himself? Jimin almost couldn't believe it. And it only took seconds before all of Jimin's old thoughts came back.
Thoughts he hadn't been focused on for a long time. Thoughts he hadn't had since Yoongi came into his life.

Tears came to his eyes. Was Hoseok right? Was Jimin really just a bother to everyone, including Yoongi?


Jimin shook his head. He couldn't let Hoseok's words get to him. He wouldn't let Hoseok manipulate him like this anymore. He had Yoongi. He shouldn't be thinking like this. Because this was exactly what Hoseok wanted, and Jimin knew the truth. Knew that Yoongi loved him, and he loved Yoongi. He dried his eyes and went to Yoongi's office because right now...

Jimin needed Yoongi.

Milk boy // YoonminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon