Chapter 19

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1 week later

I hadn't seen Aiden since what happened at the party, he didn't even show up to school all week. I started feeling guilty about what I did to him. Was he scared of me?

Thinking Aiden was scared of me made me feel like the monster. But I needed to remember why I did it, because he could've killed me if I didn't stop him. I had no choice.

"I'm back with popcorn and hot cheetos ready to watch some American Horror Story." Murphy tells me and I chuckle as he sits on the couch stuffing his mouth with popcorn pressing play.

This whole week me and Murphy grew closer, we were now best friends. He let me stay with him this whole week and thankfully my mom let me. Dad of course didn't care, he was most definitely happy I was out of the house.

Our days consist of us going to school together, eating at lunch together, then when school ended we'd come to his comfortable apartment and watch American Horror Story that Murphy grew obsessed with because of me.

I still hadn't told Murphy about what happened with Aiden, I couldn't risk losing my first friend even though he told me I wouldn't loose him. I just didn't want to take any chances.

But I trusted him enough to tell him about my father. After telling him I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders, I kept it in too long and it felt good to let it out to someone. Murphy was real supportive and told me I could stay with him as long as I wanted.

"Dude why can't I be hot like Evan Peters?" He asks me with a frown and I laugh at him.

"I don't know some people are just ugly." I tell him with a smirk and his jaw drops.

"You fucker! You were supposed to tell me I'm already hot!" He says slapping the back of my head.

"Touch me again and I'll end you." I tell him and he puts his hands up in surrender.

He then pauses the show and turns to me putting the popcorn onto the small table he had in the living room along with the chips. "The pack is having a bonfire." He says and I sigh.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because we're going duh!" He says and I roll my eyes at him.

"We don't have to." I tell him.

"We do because there is going to be free food and s'mores also vodka. You wouldn't turn down our best friend vodka would you?" He says with pleading eyes.

"When is it?" I groan and he fist pumps the air.

"In an hour let's go get dressed sexy" He says excitedly grabbing onto my hand pulling me to his room.

Murphy forced me to wear the same exact outfit as him, black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black vans. We literally looked like we were about to rob a bank.

"Is this necessary?" I ask pointing towards my dark outfit.

"Um we look fucking cool and you know it!" He says and I chuckle.

Actually I was kinda loving it.

"You're right but I look way hotter in this then you" I tell him with a smirk.

"In your dreams darling. Okay let's go the bonfire started literally two minutes ago." He says putting his hoodie over his head then we were off to another party I was being forced to go to.


We arrived at the bonfire just now and I'm shitting my fucking pants. I could sense that Aiden was here.


Unwanted Mate (WROTE WHEN I WAS 14 DONT TAKE IT SERIOUS ITS SO BAD BUT FUNNY Where stories live. Discover now