Chapter 3

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My eyes open lazily and I'm staring up at the almost dark sky. It took me a minute to remember what last happened to me, then it all came back to me and I was broken thinking about it. The pain that I felt after Aiden rejected me was gone but mentally I was hurting everywhere. I rub my eyes and sigh getting up off the grass and pull out my iPhone from my butt pocket. My eyes go wide at the time shown on it.

11:45 PM

It's almost midnight, I'm going to transition in a matter of minutes! I then start running fast towards my house. Luckily it was just around the block. During my run I started to think of the pain I'll be going through without my mate who didn't want or cared for me.

I was fucking screwed, I'm going through this shit alone.

I made it to my house three minutes before midnight and go to the center of the circle surrounded by the whole pack in the back yard of our home. I heard people talking shit about me being late to my own transition and how irresponsible I am but I ignored them staring at the ground waiting for the pain to come.

"Where's your mate?" Evans voice rings in my head, I look up and search around for my brother and stare at him with a sad expression, he gives me a confused one. Then my eyes travel to my parents holding onto each other giving me small smiles, Well my mother giving me a true smile. As for my father, he probably couldn't wait to watch me in pain.

"He rejected me." I say through mind link continuing to stare at the ground.

"I'm going to kill that bastard. Where is he is he here?!" Evans shouts with rage I then block him out of my mind and look around to see if he was here.

He was. He was staring right at me, but didn't bother coming close. He came to watch me go through this pain on my own.

Evans then walks towards me and I look up at him "Stop I can go through this on my own." He then stops but still stays close.

Seconds later, I fall onto the ground screaming in pain. The pain hurt yes but it wasn't as worse than getting rejected by my mate. Nothing is stronger than the mate bond.

My bones felt like they were on fire and were being broken over and over again. Everything became really loud and I can suddenly hear every conversation at the same time. I cover my ears trying to block out every voice but it was like the voices were living inside my head.

"Ignore the voices focus on transitioning." I hear Alpha Thomas's voice clearly other than everyone else's.

I didn't say anything to him, I was trying to focus on transitioning but I just couldn't.

"I-I can't." I stutter.

I then felt strong muscular arms wrap around my body from behind me. I turn my head and I'm met with the beta John smiling warmly at me.

"You can, I'll help you through this." He says giving my cheek a warm kiss surprising me. A growl was then heard, I turn to see Aiden glaring at me and the beta with clenched fists.

After my eyes made contact with Aidens, I instantly transitioned. It was all so quick I would've thought this process would've taken longer like everyone else has.

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes and for once in my whole entire life, people were saying good things about me.

"Her wolf is absolutely beautiful."

"White wolfs are the rarest, she must be special."

"Holy shit." My brother whispered to himself.

White wolf? I'm a white wolf?!

The Alpha then called for me and I turn around as he holds a mirror for me to look in. I'm met with a big white wolf with light blue eyes.

"You're beautiful Forest." I tell her but I can feel she was sad.

"I want to get out of here Adelaide, let's just leave I can't stand seeing Aiden. Go before I do something bad."

I turn to Aiden and he stares at me with a look I couldn't understand. I turn away from him then look at my parents who are smiling proudly at me, but I can tell they were feeling bad for me as my own mate rejected me. Evans probably told them.

I do as Forest asks and run out of the crowd and into the woods.

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