Ch 32

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Jamie’s POV:

“He has someone new already, Ash. Maybe it’s the time to move on.” I said as I was holding my phone. I called Ashton right after I walked out from the scene in front of me. I can’t stand seeing my love kissing with another girl. It’s just too much to handle. There are many things that happened in just one day.

“But, what if he’s just making you jealous?” I sighed. I’ve thought of that too. But, why would he do that to me? I don’t think he’s just making me jealous. “Come on, Jamie. Why is he even at the same hotel as you are? -And across your room? What a coincidence!” I sniffed as I wipe tears on my face. I’ve been crying for hours now.

I didn’t bother eating dinner tonight. Food is just not appetizing. I tried to go to the nearest restaurant but I’m not appealed with any food. I changed my jeans into pajamas and hopped in my bed. I sat, leaning on the headboard as I grabbed a pillow and hugging it.

Minutes later, I found myself thinking what to do. Should I really move on or fight for my feeling? What if he still loves me but decides to leave it behind because he still thinks that he’s my brother? Stop that Jamie, maybe he doesn’t know you anymore. He has amnesia, he probably don’t remember you.


I woke up with the sound of the birds chirping outside my window. I immediately remembered that I have to go to work today. I got up and stretched my arms in the air. I yawned as I walk going to the bathroom. I get my toothbrush and brush my teeth then wash my face. After, I put on jeans and a grey lose shirt.

I’m not in the mood to take a bath today. I still don’t have the energy because of what happened last night. Though, I told myself I should forget about William now and move on. After weeks of work, I’ll go back to London and finally get over him.

“Hi, Jamie. Just take a seat here and I’ll go tell our boss that you’re finally here to start your work.” Mr. Curry said as soon as I got to his office. I nodded at his words and sat on the couch where I sat like before. He goes out of his office when my phone vibrated.

I get my phone inside my pocket and opened the message. It was Candice, saying good luck. I smiled at her sweetness. I haven’t seen her for a while but she was there on times I needed a friend and a sister. Though, I treat her like a sister as I don’t have one.

“Jamie, this is our boss,” I snapped my head up to meet those blue-green eyes in shock. “Mr. Sean Tomlinson.” I stood up. Am I dreaming? William is my boss? How great this is.

He went in front of my and gave his hand for me to shake. I accepted it. If he really doesn’t know it’s me, then I’ll pretend I don’t know him too. This must be hard but I agreed to the contract already. I should have known that it was the boss that Mr. Curry was talking about.

“You must be Ms. Jamie Smith?” I nodded and told him yes. “Wait. You’re the girl from yesterday right?” I blushed in embarrassment. “I’m sorry on what happened.” He gave me a concerned smile.

“I- It’s fine.” I said.

As he talks to Mr. Curry, I took that to learn his outfit. Yesterday he was wearing a blue polo. But today, he’s wearing a black suit with a plain white shirt underneath hiding all of his tattoos. He’s also wearing his casual black skinny jeans and his hair gelled into a quiff. I appreciate how he dresses now though I also loved how he dresses before. It’s just, he changed into someone better. But, it’s also nice if he continued his singing career.

After an hour of telling me what to do, he finally showed me what I should paint and what the theme is. They were walls inside the resort which isn’t done yet. They’re still constructing it but I assume it would look nice. I let out a sigh as I just realized that I will be painting four walls with different themes and I’m alone.

“Don’t worry; you will be paid with a great amount.” I nodded. If this isn’t for the money, I won’t do this. I really need this because I want to live alone now and don’t expect anything from mom and dad. Ever since I got a call from this company, I agreed immediately because of money. If I just knew that this is William’s, then I won’t. But what can I do? It is here now.

“Do you want to start today, or tomorrow?” I immediately said today so that I could finish this work sooner. I don’t want to have communications with this guy in front of me now who gave me a lot of heart aches and tear it a million times.

I grabbed the brushes and the paints immediately. I stood up staring the wall for a while and thinking about the theme. Dolphins immediately popped into my head. Dolphins are cure and they look friendly. I know kids would love them so I started painting the first wall with dolphins.

“Great start Ms. Jamie.” I heard William said from my back so I immediately turned to look at him. A smile was plastered on his face and I blushed. I think I’m not used for his compliments now as it’s not like before.

“T-thanks. Just call me Jamie, Sir.” I said as I continued my artwork. I shouldn’t be bothered that he’s watching me, Maybe he’s just testing me if I’ll be distracted or not.

“Jamie.” He said softly. I don’t know but my heart melted. It’s just; it feels different when he’s the one saying my name. I don’t even know why. If he only knew that I love hearing my name from his lips.


Guess the song for dedication:

"If you don't swim

You'll drown

But don't move

Honey "

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