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♥Jamie's POV♥

My heart fell. It was true. William is my brother. I ran towards my room and locked it, not minding my mom's call. All I want now is to be alone. I was tripped that lead me to fell down on the cold, hard tiled-floor. I didn't mind to stand up; instead, I curled up like a ball and sob. I felt numb.

"Jamie, sweetie, open the door. What's happening?" my mom knocks the door. Suddenly, I heard keys from the outside and the door swung open, revealing my mom who's shocked and immediately went by my side. "What happened?" She asked as she helps me to stand up and sit on the bed.

"M-mom," I muttered. I didn't know what to say. She opened her arms and hugged me. She caressed my hair that made me cry even more. I don't know… it's just me that is hard to calm down when I started crying.

"It's alright. Tell me." She cooed as she gently rubbed circles on my back. "Is it about what you're asking a while back?" I gently nodded.

"Mom, how?"  I asked as I wipe the tears from my cheeks.

Mom looked away, "All I know is he was comatose before and suffered amnesia. Until now, it's just he can remember a little bit."

"Does he remember about the Tomlinsons, mom?" I asked.

"Tomlinsons?" I nodded. "What do you mean?" A single tear dropped on my shirt. I looked away, I can't say it. I can't explain. Instead, I just sobbed. "Are you saying that you're boyfriend is Troy's son?" I looked at my mom and nodded again. She was shocked as she cupped her mouth and her brown eyes grew bigger.

She pulled me into a hug and caressed my back, I love that feeling. Minutes later, mom is now downstairs. She told me everything will be alright again. I just hope it will. I wish this is just a nightmare that I will just wake up to this bad dream and things will be just what it is like before and that nothing happened.

I heard a knock, and the door busted open. "Jamie, are you alright? Mom told me everything." Candice says as I sat up and she sat beside me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm o-okay." my voice was small and weak. Like, it wasn't me. I used to be strong, not like this. I feel stupid, I feel like I've been played by fate, and it hurts.

"Are you mad at dad?" she asked. Am I mad at my own father? I don't know. I don't even know what to feel. Am I sad, am I angry? Or it was mixed emotions.

"I'm n-not mad at dad. I'm mad at myself. I should have known that he-s m-my- ugh. I can't say it!" I looked at her eyes. She hugged me again as my chin was on her shoulder, she caressed my back.

"It's okay, you didn't saw this coming. Everything happens for a reason, babe..." I didn't response. I just closed my eyes for a while, though tears are slipping.

"Then, why?" I asked.

"I don't know." we pulled off the hug. "But I know everything will be alright soon." I remember mom, she also said that. I nodded. I sent her a weak smile before she go out of the room and leave me alone again.

I opened my Twitter account on my phone. It's been forever since I used Twitter. There are DMs and there's a lot of indirects. What on Earth is happening to my account? I looked at my followers, whoa; I have a lot of followers. Maybe, it’s because, they knew about me and William before.


His name is there again. Should I forget about him and move on? But, how? If all things I do, reminds me of him? All I know is that I love him and it's not like a sister-brother love. It's more than that. It's more than you could say.

I read some of the tweets and they are all asking about William's tweets. Why are they asking me, not ask him?

@Wtommo: @Jamie_Smith why is William sad?

@ilywlm: @Jamie_Smith have u seen William's tweets already? X

@WILLandLOU: @Jamie_Smith did you just break Will's heart? How dare you!

I didn't read all of the tweets. I know there’s a lot of hate. I don't know but I felt that I wanna look what William tweeted. Is it about me? I don't know.

@WilliamTommo: Is it not love there?

@WilliamTommo: Reality Hurts.

@WilliamTommo: I wish, I didn't need.

Yes. It was about me. Tears roll down through my cheeks again. Well, if he thinks he wishes that he didn't need me, then I wish me too. How dare him. Didn't he thought that I was broken here to that he has the guts to tell those words? If he's hurt, then I am more. I loved him so much.

I woke up with my eyes, sore. It's 7:56 PM. I thought it was morning already. I climb off bed and walked towards the door, I twisted the knob and went downstairs. I felt thirsty.

As I was near the living room, I stopped. I could hear mom and dad, arguing about something I couldn't understand. I shouldn't be here, listening what I shouldn't. I went to the kitchen and open the cabinet where the glasses are. I got one and put drinking water. I sipped and put some more, I will bring this on my room so I wouldn't go down again.

They are still shouting, but now, I could sense my mom crying from the tone of her voice. It's heartbreaking but I didn't know what to do. It's the first time I hear a fight from them. This is really strange. I wanna stop them, but how? If I join, they'll get mad even more. I'm not the kind of person who can handle all this things for a day.

"Why don't you wanna tell her, are you afraid? Are you afraid that she'll go away? She needs to know the truth!" my mom yelled. What is she talking about?

"Shut up, you don't know how I feel! If it's easy for you to tell her, well it's not for me! I love my daughter and I don't wanna lose her." dad argued back which made me flinch. They're arguing because of me, but why?

"I love her too, but she needs to know that she's adopted!" my mom cried.

"What? I'm adopted?


Guess the song for a dedication:

“You gotta speak up, you gotta shout out,

and know that right here, right now,

you can be beautiful, wonderful,

anything you wanna be.”

William - Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now