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♥Jamie's POV:♥

What? I'm adopted? All this time, my life was a huge lie? Is there any worse than my life? They aren't my real family? But how? How? How didn't I know? Sixteen years. They hide the truth for sixteen years?

"What? Is this true? Mom? Dad?" This time, I went nearer as their eyes went on me. Mom was speechless, dad is too. I felt numb, I don't wanna cry anymore.

"Get up to your room." dad says as he looks away. I wanna know if I heard that right or I just thought it was. I shook my head no.

"No. I won't. Unless you tell me the truth." my voice is shaking, so walk, even though I wanted to be strong, to be tough. Mom cried even more while dad turned around so we can't see him crying.

"Do you really want to know?" he started. I didn't answer. I just wait for him to continue. "Yes. You're adopted." I felt light-headed. I can't even move. I don’t know what to do, or what to say.

"T-tell me this isn't real! This just a dream! That this didn't happen!" I cried. "Dad, please? Mom?" I looked at her as she covered her face by her palm. I watched her shook her head. "No, you're lying! You're lying!"

I walked out, ignoring their multiple calls. All I want now is to be alone. Or someone to talk to, -who won't judge me or made me even down. I hopped on my car and sped off, not knowing where this ride would take me, or lead me.

If I'm adopted, who is my real family?-My biological parents. Are they still alive? I hope so. But why did they give me to other people. Aren't they known that it hurts? I'm not a puppy; they can't give me to someone like that! Why? Why is life so hard on me? What did I do? What have I done for these things to happen? Nothing, nothing.

My phone started ringing. I parked my car on the side of the road and answer the call from an unknown number. I wished it was William though I think he won't call me. I think he's still mad at me. Though, I miss him so much. I haven't heard of him for a long time. Before I could answer, the call ended. What the hell?

It rang again before I could place it under the passenger's seat. "Hello?" I furrowed my brows.

"Hello, this is Jamie right?" How did she know my name? Though her voice is somewhat familiar, but who is she?

"Yeah, who's this?" the girl laughed which was shocking that I know who's laugh was that. It was the only laugh who could make you laugh as well, like a domino effect. Bianca, she's been my best friend when we were grade-schoolers.

"Oh my God, Bianca?" my lips curved into a smile. Though my eyes still hurts and they're still puffy from crying. I heard her giggle on the phone.

"The one and only!" she laughed which made me laugh too. Though the pain in my heart is still there, I'm still hurt from what happened a while back. Now, thinking that I won't go home for a while.

"Oh, gosh. Where are you?" I instantly asked.

"At my hotel room, you should come! We have a lot to cope up. I wanna tell you who my boyfriend is. Oh, God. You won't believe!" I started the car as soon our conversation ended. -She texted me her place.

I parked my car near the hotel and I was greeted by the guard as I enter. I walked to the elevator and start finding my best friend’s room. "601... 604... 607, finally!" I babbled under my breath.

Before I could knock, the door swung open. "Jamie!" the girl in front of me, yells as she wrapped her arms around me. Now that I saw her, my self esteem went down. She was very pretty now. Her brown eyes are sparkling, she's glowing. She's taller than me by now and her skin is tanner. Her white dress showed her curves. Her long brunette wavy locks sways as she moves. She gave me a sweet smile after the hug.

"I miss you!" I said.

"I miss you too; I wish I didn't have to be gone. You're the only true friend I had. Don't worry; I'm still the best friend you got!" I swear we're about to tear up now but we're just acting tough. I don't wanna cry anymore. I'm tired.

"Awe. You got cheesier, my best friend!" I joked. She rolled her eyes though she giggled right after. I laugh at her. "Don't you want me to come inside?" I raise a brow.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot?" we both laughed as we enter the room. The room was big, quite bigger that my room, maybe double. The walls were neatly painted with cram color. The room's motif was black and white actually, which made me remember William. Oh God, here he is in my mind again. Can I go through a day without him running in my mind?

We sat on the black leather couch, which made me remember William again. He probably moved on now, but me. I'm still freaking in love with him.

"What's the matter?" my head snapped to the one talking, Bianca. I shook my head and told her that it's nothing. She sighed. "You know, I know you too well. For the past six years that we're best friends, made me know the real you. I know if you’re happy, if you're sad, if you're hiding something, if you're in love. Basically, you can't hide something from me, Jamie." She gently tapped my shoulders. I don't know but a single tear dropped, even though I didn't want to.

"Come here." She hugged me as I placed my head on her shoulder. She rubs my back gently.

"It hurts, Bianca. It hurts so much. First, I thought my boyfriend was my brother. And now, I'm adopted?! I can't. I- I don't know what to do. I give up." I cried as I buried my head on her shoulder.

"Everything happens for a reason. We don't know what's ahead of this, Jamie. Don't give up yet. You said, you thought that he's your brother, right?" I nodded. "And now, you were just adopted. You see, he's not really your brother. Why don't you talk to him about this? If he loves you, he'll come back. And to your parents, even if they're not your biological ones, I know they love you. I know they are. You know what, before, I was envy at you. You're so lucky to have a complete set of family. Me, I only have my grandma. Don't be mad at them, instead thank them because they gave you love and treat you their real child."

"I- I don't know what to say." I looked down. She sighed.

Should I talk to him and tell him I still love him? What if he moved on? What if he'll just ignore me?


Guess the song for a dedication!


"Oh I will carry you over,

fire and water for your love

And I will hold you closer

Hope your heart is strong enough"


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