"Love you." I smile taking the phone before Alan sees it. He'll probably take it away and blow up over how "children shouldn't be allowed to have cell phones." The normal bullshit he speaks.

"Good morning, sweetheart." he greets his wife with a kiss, "and good morning little child living in my wife's stomach." he lowers his head to her swollen belly and kisses it," definitely a boy." he winks knowing she'll protest. She changed her mind and wants another girl, I think her decision depends on her mood, really.

"Good morning." I think that's a smile...towards me?

"Hi." I place my bag strap over my shoulder. He takes the cup of coffee from her hands and kisses her again before grabbing his keys off the table. Why are they so...touchy?

"Let's go." tossing his bag over his shoulder, I follow his out of the house and to his red truck.

The music fills the silence and awkwardness between us. He doesn't look upset or mad, but rather...calm. His eyes remain on the road with strong focus and doesn't even turn to look at me, not that I actually care. I'm in way too much of a good mood to let the little things get to me. Harry's finally back and that's all that I'm looking forward to. He'll be with me every period and I finally won't be bored during class because I know his silly faces and dirty notes will keep me entertained.

He pulls up in front of the school and without saying a word I get out. The weather is amazing, it's perfect for strolling through the park and maybe Harry won't mind going after school. Alan drives away and I hurry up the stairs and passed the entrance doors. Students are chatting and roars of laughter from groups echo the school almost making it hard to hear the bell.

"Alee!" Niall waves his hand from across the hall and jogs to me. He looks nice today. Red is definitely his color.

"Your hair!" I gasp at shade of purple highlighting his blonde hair. It's actually nice, it goes great with his eyes.

"Do you like it?" he poses like a model and I giggle at his cuteness.

"A lot, what color is it? Like, purple?" my fingers brush through his soft hair and he chuckles.

"Lilac, yeah. Harry told me he's comin' back today." Even he's as excited as I am. Well they are best friends so it's understandable.

"Yup, I should text him." I almost forgot I got my phone back, "Alan must have turned it off." I speak my mind aloud, "shit it's dead." I press the power button over and over but it just won't turn on, "anyway," I sigh tossing my bag in my locker, "where's your first period?"

"Right there," he points to the English class while students enter as if they're entering hell. How familiar.

"You have Mr. K? Man, that sucks." I laugh shutting my locker.

"I know. He's the worst. Anyway, I'll see you around, alright? Be careful." he pats my back and joins his friends. The loud jocks laugh and tease him over his lilac hair not even giving him time to greet them. One said he looks like a daffodil and I burst into a fit of laughter as he flipped me off. He's a great guy, I really like him. He's so outgoing and carefree, probably the most insanely cool guys I've ever met in my life. I don't know much about him, I don't really know much about any of Harry's friends, but him and Conor are really great guys and I think they're good for him.

"Alee, haven't seen you in ages." Mr. Joseph announces checking names off the attendance sheet. The gymnasium reeks of sweat and men already and the insides of my nose are beginning to sting. The day just started and it already smells like the dump.

"Yeah." I awkwardly walk to him passing through the half court of kids dribbling basketballs and showing off their dunking "skills."

"And look, you're even dressed." sarcasm is his best friend. I always keep spare gym clothes, which consists of sweat pants and a plain t-shirt, in the girls locker room incase of emergencies like this. It totally slipped my mind this morning to pack it.

Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang