1~Greeks Romans and Now Wizards!

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It was a normal day at camp, well as normal as it ever gets here at Camp Half Blood. The monsters were howling in the woods, an angry god (a.k.a. Mr D) was yelling at a camper for some reason, Clarisse was dumping the head of a new kid down a toilet, the Stolls and Leo were up to no good again and I was sparring with Annabeth. Let me just tell you this now. You do not want to get on her bad side. And don't steal her blueprints. I speak from experience. She will chop you up with her hard cover Fault In Our Stars book, whatever that is, without a second though.

I'm starting to wonder how I survived those last five years with her.

I don't think I introduced myself.

Well, My name is Percy Jackson. Half god. Half mortal.

My dad is Poseidon, the Greek God of the Seas and that comes with a contract for awesome powers over water.

The down side though, I hardly ever see him. The Greek Gods don't hang around.

I defeated Kronos and Gaia, obviously with the help of my friends, I jumped off the Arch, I sailed the sea of monsters, rode motorcycles at a speed that would give my mum a heart attack and did some other crazy, idiotic, stupid and non-heroic stuff.

{Annabeth: He's being modest! They were so totally the-}

{Percy: Shut up, Beth!}

{Annabeth: why you little-}

I've also managed to anger most of the immortals and the big bad monsters of this world.

Annabeth pushed me up against a wall, with her new drakon bone dagger at my throat.

"You loose," Annabeth said in triumph while I just sighed in defeat. "Again." she added as she sheethed her dagger.

Even though, Annabeth was only wearing a tattered camp half blood t-shirt and denim shorts and her blonde hair was tied up in a loose pony tail with wisps of hair flying across her face, she looked like a goddess, which was ironic since she was half goddess.

Someone spoke up from behind us amusedly. I had a feeling she had been watching my epic failure.

"Guys! There's a meeting in the Big House today to discuss a capture the flag game." Thalia informed us.

She was wearing her usual silver tiara and parka. Her quiver, which was full of arrows, was slung across her shoulder and she was holding her bow at her side.

A few summers back, Thalia had accepted Artemis's, the goddess of the hunt and the moon, offer to be an eternal maiden and an immortal. She was now the fist lieutenant of Artemis.

I capped my sword, Riptide, so that it shrank back into a ball point pen. Pocketing it I made our way across to the Big House with Annabeth and Thalia.


"Right, so capture the flag tonight?" Leo confirmed.

"Correct." Chiron replied.

"Cool! Let's get prepared!" Leo said, enthusiastically.

"You may all go now." Chiron said, then added, "All of you except Percy, Annabeth and Thalia. I would like a word with you three, if you don't mind.

"Uh...sure." I said, worriedly.

We stayed back as everyone else filled out of the Big House after the meeting.

All that time, I was thinking about what Chiron had to tell us. Had he found out about the prank the at me and the Stolls played on the Athena cabin that we managed to keep as a secret. I swear, if he tells those Athena kids, my life would be practically on the line and I would not live to be even twenty.

(BOOK ONE) Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now