Hogwarts Battle ~ Trigger Happy

385 7 1

Word count: 926

The Death Eaters were attacking Hogwarts. Your home was now a battle ground. So much pressure and so much pain in the war. You needed to help. Hell, everyone needed to help, but you were considered too 'valuable' to help.

'The mature, but not so good at magic babysitter, " is was what they referred to you as. As much as you knew it was right you didnt care. You were helping whether they liked it or not. You looked around the Room of Requirememt and saw all of the other younger students sitting around with terror. You couldn't take it, watching the kids killed you so you got up and looked around, " Who's the oldest here?"

A fourth year student raised their hand and got up.

"Alright you, you're in charge now. I'm going out." You stated.

"Going out?" The fourth year exclaimed," Are you mental?"

"I'm going to help no matter what it takes, Now make sure nobody and I mean nobody else leaves or enters this room. I'll be back soon. I swear. Make sure you check the map."

You left the Room of Requirement and looked around. You took one step out and you heard the yelling and spells everywhere. You hurriedly ran to your dorm and somehow didn't get shot at or caught. You got to your room and opened the trunk throwing everything out of it. There it stood the handgun that you have never had to touch. The gun that your parents gave you for protection. Who knows why your parent got you gun, but you had plenty of practice with it and was a damn good shot. You stuffed the handgun into your jeans and grabbed an extra clip just incase. As you ran down the stairs and heard a whimper and a bang. You stopped in your tracks and looked around you saw a  rustle of golden hair hiding behind a chair. You cautiously walked to them.

"Hey are you a younger year?" You questioned.

They ducked their head leaving your sight of view.

"Hey I'm not going to hurt you. I'm  (y/n) (l/n) and I'm going back to the Room of Requirement.

Suddenly they popped and surprised you, "Expelliarmus!" they yelled.

Your wand went flying and you put your hand to your gun.

"Look I'm not gonna hurt you. You can stay here if you want. I'm not going to force you to come with me. I know your scared and probably don't know me, but I'm here to help not harm anyone." You explained.

There was a silence as you started out to the commons exit. You opened it and started to step out.

"Hey aren't you forgetting something?" The younger year stated as he tossed your wand to you.

"Thanks," you smiled.

You looked at your wand and started out into the chaotic halls with the younger year following in pursuit.

You twisted through the halls and staircases to get to the Room of requirement in a safe way. But soon you were face to face with a Death Eater. You grabbed the younger year and put him behind you. Like a mother protecting their child. Snd soon your wand wad thrown across the hall.

The Death Eater chuclled as he stood back up, "No way to defend yourself ay? I say this is an unfair match for you and I'm going to enjoy this."

You then grabbed the gun from your pocket and lifted it up pointing it at him.

He laughed and looked at the gun in your hand, "You think a pathetic muggle toy will help you now? You filthy ignorant mud-"

His words were ended as you shot him through the eye, "That's right I'm a god damn mudblood that killed you."

The younger year stood there in complete shock and terror quivering. You ran and grabbed your wand as you grabbed the younger years hand.

"Come on let's go to the Room of Requirement we're almost there. It's the safest place for you."

The younger year nodded his head as you lead him to the Room of Requirement.

As you arrived the door was opened. All of the students were relieved to see you.

"Are you okay?" One asked.

"Gavin!" Another shouted.

You cleared your throat and looked at everyone, " I'm going back out. All of you stay safe and I will be back."

You exited the Room of Requirement once more and headed to the main battle. As you got in to the main source you tried your best to use your wand until it was thrown out of your hands. You didn't even bother to look for it. Instead you made a theatric out of how scared and weak you were.

You smiled as you pulled out the gun and as the Death Eaters laughed. Soon shots started going off like a gun fight in a movie. You shot three and made sure you had cover from incoming spells. You looked around and saw a Death Eater about to kill One of the Weasley twins. You took a deep breath in and looked down you sights as you shot him.

They looked over at you in surprise and horror as you nodded your head and shot another one.

Doing this made you feel like you were actually helping. You were ready to take on the Death Eaters, you were trigger driven and you were here to help.

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