Fred Weasley ~ The Best Prankster

941 17 2

Word count: 2116

You smiled and sat down in the library getting ready to study on potions when two famaliar red heads caught your attention. You dismissed there presence and your thoughts, and continued to study when you then looked back to see them poking there heads around a corner snickering. You looked around knowing that they were probably up to no good and was planning on pranking somebody. You again dismissed the foreboding you were having and continued to study. After an half hour of studying and hearing the twins laugh you were wondering if they were ever going to say hello to there friend. You shook it off knowing they would eventually have you join them and continued studying knowing the O.W.L.S are coming up.

Suddenly a shadow casted over your book and a famaliar voice greeted you, "Hello (y/n)"

"Hey Fred. What are you and your other half planning over there?" You ask not looking up with the slightest bit of intrest.

"And we really call you our best friend?" George asks slipping in to join you on the left side and Fred join on the right.

"You know we're-" George starts.

"Never up to any good." Fred finishes closing your book.

"Hey! I was studying," you complained while trying to open the book again," May I ask who are you pranking this time?" You ask unamused.

"Hm, who's (your height), in (your house), and is the only person in here other than us?" Fred asks.

You think for a moment not really taking your mind off of potions until you look up at them. A devilish grin is plastered on there faces as you get up frantically.

"Oh Merlin! It's me isn't ? I thought you guys agreed to stop with the pranks on me!" You shout while trying to see if it's a dung bomb or something they planted on you.

"Please spare me!" You beg.

"Oh you'll figure out what we did. Don't worry its not as bad." George says patting you on the back.

"What do you mean it's not that bad? Everything you do is pretty bad!" You exclaim.

"You'll be fine (y/n)," Fred says smiling, "by the way I like your new hair color."

"Fred what do you mean my new hair col- " You stopped as saw your hair was dyed (least favorite color) now.

Before you could even grab one of the twins to hex them they were running out of the library making books fly everywhere.

"You're gonna get it you two!" You yell while trying to get out of the library.


When you woke up in the morning you found yourself trying to turn your hair back to its orginal color. You soon  notice that nothing was happening and left it not bothering to fix it. You quickly put your robes on and run out the door to breakfast. You head to the Great Hall for food and sit down at the (your house) table grabbing breakfast. Suddenly a younger year comes up to you giving you a small gift. You take it generously and before you even think about who it's from the box blows up in your face.

The Great Hall start to fill with laughter as you see the twins laughing with the rest. You glare at them and start to head towards them with anger. They notice you and their eyes widen as they race out of the hall. You see the two red heads start running and you go into a full sprint pushing people out of the way. After the halls started to clear from students you were on the twins tails. You were too far to grab them and they were zig zagging to much to hex them so you decide to go for it and dive for them. You grabbed onto one of their legs making them trip and fall.

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