Young James Potter ~ The Mystery Girl

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Word Count: 1167

Requested by SlytherinGirl03


James POV

She was sitting in her usual spot under the tree that was looking out towards the Black Lake. The sun was hitting her as she read and she looked beautiful. As I thought about going over to talk to her the guys came running my way. I wasn't participating in the usual mischief after my eye caught Sarah and the guys were getting annoyed with me.

"Oi, James why don't you come do something with us," Remus suggested.

"Instead of creepily watching her all day," Sirius piped in.

"I am not creepily watching her. I'm just... er,"

"Then what are you doing ? Cause it seems like all you do now a days is watch that Slytherin girl," Sirius said while pointing towards Sarah.

"Shut up Sirius, I was actually just about to talk to her," I said while closing my book.

"Really James? Were you actually going to go talk to her?" Sirius challenged.

"Come on guys not this again. Can't we just leave this alo-" Remus tried.

"Shut up Moony!" All three of us exclaimed.

I squint at Sirius, " Are you challenging me Black?"

A slight smile played at his lips, "What do you think Prongs?"

"What's the challenge?" I ask while looking over at Sarah's direction.

"I will give you a whole month to try and talk to the beautiful Sarah Amber. If you don't do then I will do it for you and you are going to have to stop watching her," Sirius offered.

"Fine deal," I smile.

"Good. You better start now," Sirius says while pointing at Sarah.

Sarah's POV

You were enjoying yourself with a lovely book, but you had a weird feeling that someone was watching you. Every once and awhile you would see the same boy, James Potter, glance at you. You wondered if he was actually looking at you or if you were just imagining things .

You secretly wanted him to come over and talk to you, but you weren't really sure why. Maybe it was the fact because of how different he was out of all the other guys in the school. He was kind and friendly where as the guys that you would usually pass in the hall would try fliting and hitting on you. Suddenly you snapped out of your thoughts of the mysterious James Potter and looked over at him to see him and his friends looking over at you.

As you saw all them you couldn't think of anything else except for were they checking me out? Was James Potter no different from the other boys? You sighed and grabbed your things while heading towards the boys way as you past them you flashed a smile, "Enjoying the view?" you asked.

None of them replied but you saw James turn a bright red and turn around, trying to get as far away from you as he could. You chuckled to yourself and wondered what was going on among the four boys. As the days pasted by you noticed James always glancing your way and trying to make his way towards you before turning back around. His behavior was odd and you decided to take it upon yourself to figure out what was going on.

As you strutted into the Great Hall you started straight to the Gryffindor table where James was, "Okay, what's up with you Potter? You're acting all weird and keep glancing at me nervously."

"I'm, what I'm not glancing at you," James says whole trying to act cool, " and I'm fine by the way."

You roll your eyes and look at the others while raising an eyebrow, "What? You look amused."

Soon the smile was wiped off of Sirius's face and he looked down at his food.

"You got a problem with me Black?"

No reply. You rolled your eyes and and looked back at James, " Look if you need to talk I'll be around."

He nodded quickly," Yeah, yeah alright cool."

You left the table and looked back to see the boys laughing at James as he put his head on the table.

You shook your head and wondered what was going in with the group of boys.


As weeks went by you didn't hear a peep out of James. He did try to walk up to you and talk, but would then turn around and leave right away. You knew something was up and you had the feeling of wanting to know and not wanting to know.


As the weeks passed the weather seemed to get colder and your days by your favorite tree were going to be coming to an end for a little.

While reading one of you're favorite books and studying for classes you found yourself looking up to the sound of four boisterous boys come g closer to you. You sighed and started to pack your things up when you heard Sirius yell your name, "Oi, Sarah!"

You looked over in slight annoyance, "What do you want Black?"

"Hear me out before you do anything irrational alright Sarah," he started.

"Alright Black you're about to-"

"Sarah, I haven't even said anything now listen."

You sigh and roll your eyes listening to what he has to say.

"Alright you Good? Ok. A week back I had a bet with James here and I won so I'm doing him favor and getting my friend back. Listen Sarah, James fancies you. I mean like really fancies you. And thus whole month he has been trying to talk to you and ask you out on a date. So can you do me a favor and just say yes to what ever this stag wants."

You felt a warm feeling as Sirius told you about James and looked over to him. Both of you slightly blushed as you both looked up.

"Aw, u knew both of you fancied each other." Sirius said with a delightful smile.

"Black shut up and leave before I he's you. Can all three of you leave me alone with James so I can talk to him?"

"Really guys? You need time to ta-"

"Sirius shut up and let them talk. Let's go guys," Remus said while dragging the other two off.

"If you got something to say say I'll gladly listen." You smile.

James looked down to his feet, "Well it's obvious that I fancy you. And well I've been trying to talk to you for about a month now and I just didn't know how to approach the topic and I backed out several times and we'll if you think who's is weird I can just leave. "

"Are you serious James? That takes a lot of courage. And I'm happy you got to tell me because I've fancies you for a while." You say.

As you noticed what you said you flushed a bright red. James seemed to be amused by your embarrassed stare and smiled.

"What?" You ask.

"Nothing you just look cute when your blushing."

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