Draco Malfoy ~ Bruises

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Requested by NeverlandBeliever
Word Count : 1108

You were sore and cried in pain. You didn't know how long it had been since you were held captive at the Malfoy Manor. You lost track after the fourth day. There was so much pain pulsing through your body that you would let out moans. Bellatrix was no one to talk back at.  In fact none of the Malfoys were wizard to talk back at. They were all Death Eaters that didn't have a heart. You then heard the door creak open as someone walked in. It was Narcissa Malfoy, she had a saddened look on her face, but it was barely noticeable, "Poor child," she whispered.

"H-help" You barely croaked out.

It seemed as if Narcissa had pity on you for that small second until Bellatrix and Lucius along with Draco walked in.

Bellatrix cackled," Is the filthy mudblood going to actually behave?"

"Go to Hell, " you croaked while spitting in her face.

"You filthy mudbitch!" She screamed, "CRUCIO!"

You screamed out in agony with tears rolling down your face as pain pulsed through your body. You crippled from the inside out and fell limply on the ground.

"P-please stop," You whispered in a beg.

Narcissa then knelt down glad close as she could to you, " Tell us where the Order us and she'll stop," Narcissa said.

To you it almost sounded like she was begging you to tell them. As much as you wanted the pain to stop, you actually had no idea where the order was and even if you did you still wouldn't give it up and screw them. To this point you were wondering why they didn't just use Imperio on you, but you guessed they had more fun toturing you to try and force you to tell them.

"I-I told you, " You whimpered in pain, " I'm not part of the Order."

"This little bitch won't corporate and I don't like it, " Bellatrix snarled, "CRUCIO!" She yelled once more.

This time you let everything out as you screamed and yelled for help. You knew no one was going to hear you, but you were in so much pain that everything came out as tears slipped down your face.

"Maybe I should teach this filthy little mudbitch a lesson," Bellatrix snarls.

"Now Bellatrix I'm sure she will tell us soon," Lucius stated. "We shall come back later, I find that they feel the most pain when you give them a break of relief only to be hit again with pain. "

Bellatrix huffed wit anger and the group left you in the dark once more. Once they left you found yourself trying to escape even though it was probably hopeless.


By some miracle you were out, but, 'Was it a trap? Were they testing me? So many thoughts ran through your mind as you tried adjusting. Soon the thoughts of hope started to return. Am I am being saved? How in did I escape were they letting me go? Did they finally realize I wasn't actually part of the order?

Soon you realized you were in the center of death and tried dismissing those thoughts. You then tried to move to get out of the manor even if it meant you had to leave your wand. You made it to the main floor and you hissed at the amount of light hitting you. Your eyes were trying to adjust and all you could do was grab onto the manor's walls. After a short while your eyes adjusted and you could see. You started to move through the manor, but it seemed that yoou got lost within the matter of seconds.The manor was gigantic and you noticed that it was hopeless to try and get out of the manor without your wand. All you wanted to was disparate home.

'Home,' that word comforted you so much, 'Home that's where you wanted to be. Home out of the war and in the comfort of your own familiar house.'

As you got lost in your thoughts of getting out of the manor you snapped back to reality. 'Right get out, you gotta get out of here (Y/n).'

As you looked around you noticed that you were in a hall of some sort. You had no idea where you were, and even though you were trying to tell yourself to get out  al you felt like doing was stopping for food.

'Food.' Oh Merlin you wanted food so badly. at that moment your stomach growled. You cursed at yourself and forced yourself to move.  As you were going down another hall you heard footsteps and saw a shadow of  someone rounding the corner. At this point all you could think was, 'I am going to die right here right now.'

As you watched the figure round the corner you felt yourself crying the familiar warm liquid rolled down your cheeks as the figure came into view.  But when the person saw you, you almost leaped with joy. It was Draco. Even though he was an arse to you, you thought you knew that he was being forced to be part of this.

"(Y/n)?" Draco asked in question.

"Draco! Oh Merlin! Oh thank Merlin, you're  here! Draco look -look I know you don't want to hurt me and I know you don't want to help me, b-but I need to get out of here. I need my wand and to get out of here. "you begged him.

You almost saw that familiar smile that you saw at Hogwarts, but that soon faded as his expression grew dark, "Look (y/n) I can't let you go. I just can't."

"W-what do you mean you can't?" you breathed out.

"Y-you wouldn't understand," he sighed," and I'm sorry about this, but I'm going to have to do this. "

"S-sorry about w-what?" you whispered while letting the tears roll down your cheek.

   Right as you said that you felt Draco's fist on your face. The impact of the force made you stumble and fell to the ground. You were weak and vulnerable and you were pissed at Draco. Suddenly you felt something hit your chest and it felt like another rib broke.

"P-please s-stop," you cried out.

Draco knelt by your side and almost looked like he was about to cry, "I'm sorry about this (y/n), but its just how its going to have to be."

Suddenly you felt another fist in your face and  the force made you your head hit the floor with such force that you fell unconscious. Suddenly you  heard distant yells and someone or something picking you up aggressively. And just like that you were held captive once again.

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