Almost lost ~ Bellamy Blake

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Word count: 1178
s1 ep 12

"Monty have you seen Bellamy?" You ask looking around.

"Yeah I think he's in Raven's tent getting more ammunition." He says.

You nod and head towards the tent,"Bell you in-" You stop and looked between Raven who was getting dressed and Bellamy in bed," Oh! I , uh, should go."

"(Y/n)!" Bellamy called.

You turned around with fury, "What Bellamy? What do you want?"

"I didn't mean fo-" He starts.

"What?" You ask with fury, "You didn't mean to screw Raven? That wasn't an accident Bell that was your choice."

"(Y/n), I was going to say,'You weren't meant to see that,' and plus why is this such a big deal?" He asks while pulling his shirt back on.

"Because," You stopped why was this a big deal? It wasn't like you and Bellamy were together. Maybe always having that hope that feeling of close friendship made it seem like you had a chance, "Never mind. I need space."

You walk out of the camp and start to wander away. As times passed by you started to feel uneasy, like something was watching you, so you made your way back to camp.

As you entered the camp you saw Bellamy looking around.

"(Y/n)!" He calls.

You whip around and start to walk away.

"(Y/n)." He says while grabbing your arm.

"What? What is it this time Bellamy" You snap.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been looking for you."

"I was out. Now let go of me."

"You were out?" He asks with disbelief, "You were out there? Clarke and Finn have gone missing and you were out there alone? What if a grounder got you? Huh?"

"Bellamy, I'm fine! I'm totally capable of myself!" You shout as you try to pull away from him.

"Hey! I just trying to watch over you. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you."

"Oh, now you're all nice and kind towards me! Well newsflash, Bellamy, I don't need watching over! I don't even need you to survive on my own!" You snap a little too harsh.

Bellamy drops his head and let's go of you. You then walk away towards your tent and lie in bed listening to the sound of the camp while slowly drifting off.


As the morning came you left the camp to avoid Bellamy. The forest was quite and had a weary stillness to it. You looked around and started back towards the camp beginning to feel slightly uneasy. As you neared the camp you heard the drop ship close and peoples shouts. You then ran towards the camp and behind the crowd.

"What's happening?" You ask while trying to standing on your tiptoes trying to look over the crowd.

You scanned the crowd for, him, Bellamy, but you saw no sign of him.

"Where is he? Where's Bellamy?" You ask pushing through the crowd.

You got to the opening and saw Jasper lying on the ground with Octavia above him.

"What happened?" You ask looking between the two.

"I'm sorry, (y/n), " Jasper heaved out. "It's Murphy. Bellamy traded places with me so he wouldn't kill me."

"What?" You breathed out feeling tears pricking at your eyes.

"Don't worry we're working on it." Octavia says with a slight smile.

You nod and sit down with your hands over your face.

"Raven where to?" Jasper asks while getting up.

"To the back. There's some panels back there that are loose I can figure something out from there." She says heading towards the back of the ship.

As you watched Raven leave with Jasper all you could think about were the horrible things you said to him before you left.

You sat there in a tree stump repeatedly running your hand through your hair. 'Was he going to be okay? I knew Murphy was an asshole! I regret everything.' We're the three things running through your mind as you waited.

Octavia then looks over at you, "Hey, how you doing?" She asks while sitting down next to you.

You shrug and look down at the dirt drawing designs in it.

"Hey stop worrying he'll be fine. The last thing he wants you to be doing is worrying. Do you need anything?" She asks.

You shake your head and look around the camp, "Well ,maybe, I need a job for me to do."

Octavia nods and hands you a gun, "Can you take watch for Finn and Clarke?" She asks.

You nod and grab the gun while climbing up to the wall looking out into the green forest.

After a few minutes you heard gun shots from the drop ship. You turned around and hopped off the wall running towards Octavia.

"Bellamy?! Bellamy are you okay?' Octavia asks while waiting for a response.

"Yeah I'm fine. Everyone back to work, and tell Raven to hurry her ass up!" He replies on the other side.

You breathe a sigh of relief as you hear his voice. What every they were planning they'd better hurry up.

"You heard Bellamy! Back to work!' Octavia yells.

You sigh and make your way back up to the post looking out hoping to see Clarke and Finn. As you look out you here muffled yells from the drop ship every once and awhile.

While looking out to the trees you thought you saw someone move. You hopped off from the post and was about to check it out hen you heard gun shots. You flinched and looked back to the drop ship.

"Octavia what's happening?" You asks while looking at the drop ship.

"I'm not sure. Bellamy won't answer." She says with a frown.

You felt your heart beat speed up while staring at the drop ship. After a few moments of waiting the door started to open. You ran for the door throwing the drapes behind you. Right there in front of you was Bellamy suspended in the air choking and looking for air. You ran towards the belts and tried to loosen them, but they were stuck.

"(Y/n) watch out!" Jasper yelled while taking his knife and cutting the belts.

You watched as he fell to the ground and got up immediately.

"Murphy it's over! There's nowhere to go!" He yells while pounding on the door.

Suddenly an explosion erupted from the top of the drop ship. You ran out and looked at the drop ship to see a giant gaping hole in the ship and Murphy gone. 

"Dammit!" Bellamy cursed under his breath.

As Bellamy tried to hurry outside you grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Bell...." you trail off, " about yesterday and today I'm sor-" you were cut off by Bellamy's lips on yours his lips were soft and he was gentle.

"You're forgiven. I thought I was going to loose you today, and I'm not going to let that happen again." he said in a protective manner.

You nodded and grabbed his hand while heading out of the drop ship, "We have a war to prepare for." 

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