I need to get high tonight. I've been sober for too long.

I can hear Dallon put on a random song before he starts belting out the lyrics.

I find myself walking to the kitchen and see Dallon dancing around while waiting for the water to boil.


NOW WE'RE JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN! AND YOU'RE MAKING YOUR WAY DOWN!" He shouts along with the calming voice playing from his speaker

"What band it this?" I ask as I sit down at the counter.

Dallon jumps and immediately starts blushing at the fact I caught him dancing around and singing.

"It's Matty's band." He coughs awkwardly.

"They sound really good." I smile.

Dallon is still blushing and I find it completely adorable. I find everything about Dallon adorable.

I watch as he pours the box of kraft dinner into the pot of boiling water.

Dallon knows how to cook but he's pretty lazy.

I just sit there and watch him as he hums along to the music and pours the contents of the pot into a strainer sitting in the sink before pouring it back into the small pot and adding the cheese powder.

When it's finally done, he fills two bowls with kraft dinner and gave me one before handing me a fork.

We ate and talked loudly about stupid things we have done since I left.

I found out that he had pretty much been an alcoholic last year and that really made me sad.

I did that to him.

He told me about how when everyone was living together, Patrick threw away all the alcohol in the house and the everyone else made sure Dallon wouldn't go out to the bar.

He also told me that he really didn't fight with them about it because he was terrified that he was going to end up like his dad.

I'm glad that he accepted the help because I don't know what I would do if he ended up like me.

I didn't say anything about my coke addiction because he doesn't need to know until after I die.

We continue to talk long after we finish eating our food.

We find ourselves sitting on the couch cuddling as we talk about anything and everything.

I love the way his eyes would squint when he laughs and the way he would listen to me no matter how stupid the story was.

I should have never left him the way that I did. I really did hurt him.

He loves me more than I love myself and that makes no sense to me.

I really should have taken him with me that day. I should have told him that I got accepted and he probably wouldn't have even been mad. He would have gone with me and we would have supported each other.

But I didn't do that.

Teen Brendon was an asshole.

I look into Dallon's bright blue eyes as he tells me about this one party where Frank threw up and then started crying because Gerard wouldn't kiss him.

I carefully watch his lips as he speaks, silently wondering if he still tastes the same as he did before.

He probably tastes better.

I really wanna kiss him right now.

Dallon stops talking and I slowly lean in but he doesn't. He puts his hand on my chest to stop me.

"No Bren. Neither of us are ready and I don't think we will be. We can't do this again." He says and I can hear the pain in his voice.

I nod before telling him that I was going to bed.

When I get to the room, I get higher than I have in a long time.





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