Chapter 5 || "Red Solo Cup In His Hand"

Start from the beginning

"It's cute." Julia says finally, and I let out a sigh of relief. "But I'm not sure if this is the right outfit for a you."

I frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean that it's cute and I'm stealing it." Julia says with a devious smirk.

"I thought you were wearing the flannel with the shorts." I say, and she shakes her head.

"I was, until I saw how good that outfit looks. It's perfect for tonight, but more importantly, it's perfect sending a message to Carson." Julia decides.

"Oh really? And what would that message be?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"How hot I am and how lucky Carson is to have me. Trust me, if I wear that tonight, I can guarantee that Carson and I won't be fighting after that. Hell, I don't think much will be said if you know what I mean." she says with a wink, causing me to groan.

"I didn't need to know that." I say, and she laughs. "Turn back around, I have to try on something else since you're stealing my clothes now."

Julia turns around, and I quickly take off the shirt and leggings, folding them and placing them on my desk to give to Julia before we leave. I grab the next two things; a pair of light blue jeans with rips in the knees and a flowy white crop top. Once again, the shirt is too high and the pants are too low, leaving a strip of skin on my stomach expose. I look in the mirror, instantly deciding that I don't like the outfit. Still, I call to Julia.

"I'm done." She turns around, but this time, her expression isn't neutral. She lips turn down into a scowl, and she shakes her head no.

"Oh my God, that's horrendous. I don't know why I picked out that shirt." she says.

"Hey, I own this horrendous shirt." I say, slightly offended.

"Sorry, but it's ugly." Julia says. "Keep the jeans on and try on whatever shirt is next." She turns back around, and I lift the shirt over my head. I grab the last shirt in the pile, a low-cut gray knit-sweater type tank top. Hesitantly, I put the shirt over my head and pull it down. I don't look in the mirror, too afraid to do so. I tell Julia to turn around, and when she does, she gasps. I feel my face turn red, nervous that she won't only criticize my shirt, but also the way I look in it.

"Helaina!" she yells.


"That looks so good on you. You have to wear it tonight!" Julia exclaims.

"Really? I didn't even look at myself in the mirror because I was afraid of how low it is." I say, and turn to look in my mirror. The second I look at my reflection, I feel my heart skip a beat. Julia is right; this shirt looks great on me. It hugs my curves perfectly, and just low-cut enough to be fun and flirtatious without overly revealing. I almost look... well, hot.

"See what I mean?" Julia asks, coming up behind me. I nod, and she opens my closet, handing me a pair of white sneakers. "Here, wear these with it. It'll really tie the whole outfit together."

"Thanks," I say, finally pulling my gaze away from myself in the mirror. I hand Julia the shirt and leggings she's borrowing and turn away as she changes, walking over to my dresser. I grab a small necklace off my dresser and put it around my neck, looking at myself in the mirror. For some reason, the outfit mixed with the excitement of tonight's party is really making me feel confident. For once, I'm not ashamed to say that I like the way I look.


"Julia, can you not drive so slowly? We're going to be late." I say, pressing the home button on my phone for the fifteenth time in the past five minutes. It's 7:43 P.M., and Carson's party officially started at 7 P.M.

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