Chapter Six

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The doctor examined the three patients and had a report ready when Bonaparte arrived.

She was a very old woman and didn't care much about life and death. She just did what she could and left it at that. It made her reliable and steady, but it also concerned everyone when she had an important patient who needed to live. Such was Theresa.

She walked over to the edge of Blake's bed. She lifted the clipboard off of the table next to him and read the examination notes for Bonaparte.

"The knife wound wasn't deep. It missed hitting any vital organs. He has a mild concussion and those scratches on his neck needed stitches. I wouldn't let him move around for a week at the very least. The very least," she said and walked over to Max's bed.

"He has a broken arm. That will take a few months to completely heal. He has severe bruising on his chest, but no broken ribs. He also has a concussion; It's less severe than Blake's."

Theresa was tied to the bed with thick, leather straps. "She has no severe injuries, aside from the fact that she's on death's doorstep. We gave her fluids, and she is going to need a lot of rest." The doctor paused. "We should probably get her something to eat. Not much. It has to be gradual. We don't want to shock her system more than it already has been." She looked at Bonaparte. "You should keep her here for a week."

"That's not going to happen. She has a day. One day," he said angrily. "Do the wounds that they have sustained give you any indication as to what happened?"

"I can't tell you who did what, if that's what you're asking," she said. "But I think it's safe to assume that the Grimm is the one who stabbed Blake."

"How did she get a knife?" Vincent asked from the corner.

"How would I know?" the doctor answered grumpily.

"And wouldn't she have stabbed him in the neck or something?" Vincent asked.

"I wouldn't know. After what you did to her," the doctor said looking at Bonaparte, "I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't able to aim at all. She isn't coherent, or wasn't before I put her out."

"She can't be trusted," Bonaparte growled and left the room.

If only Trubel had been awake to hear that. She knew she wasn't winning that battle, but Bonaparte's words would have assured her that she also wasn't losing.

The doctor was able to fix Max's arm and get a cast on it. She had Vincent carry Max to his room, and had the boys carry Blake to his. She told them that they had to be woken up every few hours because of their concussions and sent them on their way with bottles of medications that would reduce swelling.

Theresa woke up and panicked when she discovered that she was strapped down to a bed in a hospital room. Her heart monitor went berzerk, alerting the doctor.

"Don't get worked up," the doctor said coldly. "Bonaparte is giving you one day to recover, so you better make it good."

Theresa was still weak, but that didn't stop her from trying the break the arm restraints.

"I will put you out," the doctor warned, shooting a disapproving look at the Grimm.

The doctor walked over to the counter and picked up an old phone, with a chord and everything. She started dialing and Trubel just watched with confusion.

"She's awake. Get over here. Because I said so. Don't give me that tone, I know you want to see her." The doctor hung up the phone and began to walk out of the room.

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