Chapter Thirteen

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Nick had tracked down Vincent. Together, they talked in Vincent's room, trying to outline a plan. Since getting in trouble with Bonaparte, Theresa had distanced herself from them. Nick and Vincent could watch and feel her changing in front of them, and wanted to stop it, but didn't know how. Now, they questioned whether they could get her back; Vincent said that Theresa was worse than he had ever seen her before.

"I'm telling you that she is different than the other times, Nick. I look at her and, instead of seeing indifference, I see malice. She doesn't seem to care about us," Vincent said.

"She was acting before. Maybe-" Nick began.

"I really don't think she's acting, now. Josie told me that Theresa beat her up because she wanted to be the one to kill someone," Vincent explained.

"Trubel wouldn't do that," Nick said.

"That's what I'm saying," Vincent confirmed sadly. "I want her back too, but the last time we pushed it, we hurt her," Vincent said.

Nick looked at Vincent, determined. "Than we need another plan," Nick said. "We need to make a move. We need to get to the top so we can save lives, and we can't wait anymore. I think we need to start rallying people, but first, we need to see if Trubel's still here. I don't want to do this without her if she is."

"I have an idea, but I have to talk to Bonaparte first," Vincent said.

"Do what you have to," Nick said.

They smiled at each other and Vincent left to go find Bonaparte.

"I've been looking for him for weeks and no one has succeeded in bringing him here," Bonaparte complained.

"I understand that, sir. That's why I think you should give this one to us. I don't think you could assemble a team that would be more efficient and qualified than we are," Vincent said.

"I think you're right," Bonaparte approved. "But do you think Theresa's ready?" Bonaparte asked.

"More than. I'll be with her the whole time. There won't be any problems, sir," Vincent promised and added, "And if you really want to know my opinion, I think it's about time she gets out. I think she's earned it."

"So what do you suggest?"

"We know he'll be at that party tonight thanks to the information the previous team brought us. Theresa and I can go undercover; I hardly ever leave the compound, so no one should recognize us. We get in, we do what we need to do, and we get out." Vincent was trying to sound as confident as possible.

"I like it," Bonaparte approved. "Theresa will need to get cleaned up, however. She can be a little rough around the edges," Bonaparte said, amused.

"I can take care of that. Josie can help her," Vincent responded.

"Josie? We're sure that she will cooperate?" Bonaparte questioned.

"She wouldn't dare go up against Theresa again. She's smarter than that," Vincent assured. Vincent paused, clearly hesitant to say what he wanted. He eventually spit it out. "Bonaparte, I've been meaning to talk to you about Josie," he began.


"She is an amazing fighter, she's very smart and tough," Vincent stalled.


"She's mad about the relationship that Theresa and I had, and I can see why. Theresa and I make a great team and I think that our alliance will be great for the future of Black Claw, but Josie's getting in the way of that... After everything that's happened, I don't think that I'm the right guy for Josie." Vincent looked up and examined Bonaparte's expression.

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