Chapter Five

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Apparently, Bonaparte believed Blake's story or was pretending he did. Vincent told him it was bogus, but Bonaparte didn't change his decision. Vincent and Max weren't allowed to see Theresa until her "killing her with kindness" time was up, and the guards would bring the young Grimm everything that she needed until then. Bonaparte said it was a "just in case" decision.

The guards were no good, but at least they didn't try to incite violence.

Theresa thought Max and Vincent had taken everything that she said to heart. She thought they had given up on her. She tried to ask the guards if Vincent or Max said anything, but the guards refused to talk to her. Apparently, they had also lost loved ones at the hands of Grimms, just like Blake, Al, Robert, and Will. It made them all bitter.

The end of the two weeks had come, and it was time to come up with a verdict. To do this, Bonaparte wanted to have a little chat with Theresa to see if she was in any way reformed and changed by her experiences. Bonaparte told Vincent that he would be waiting in an interrogation room with a table in it. Bonaparte wanted his discussion with Theresa to be civilized. The request was ridiculous.

It was time to have a conversation with the Grimm, it was time at long last. Bonaparte told Vincent that he could use some of his own men as long as the two guards and Blake were there to "protect" everyone. Vincent couldn't help but feel that Bonaparte was setting Theresa up for failure. He took two of his own men, Edgar and Jasper, to help him.

Vincent knocked on Theresa's door and opened it. Blake popped up behind Vincent and said, "Your time is up."

Vincent gestured for Theresa to come to him, and she did.

They stepped outside and slowly walked towards the interrogation room until Blake grabbed Theresa's arm and started to pull her in the direction of the interrogation room.

Theresa involuntarily reacted. She couldn't help it.

Blake surprised her, so she punched him in the face and pulled her arm away.

"Ow!" Blake yelled and Vincent, who was leading the way, turned around with horror.

All hell broke loose. Trubel backed away from Blake and turned around to find a gun pointed at her head. It was one of the guards. The other guard was being blocked by Edgar, while Vincent and Jasper were keeping Blake from causing more problems.

"Hey! Hey! Put it down!" Vincent yelled at the guard with the gun.

"No, she's a threat." the guard said. Vincent was about to respond when Blake almost broke free from him and Jasper.

"Blake," Vincent hissed. "Stop, now," he commanded scathingly.

"Did you not see what just happened?" Blake said.

"She was doing great until you pissed her off!" Vincent yelled. He did not have the patience for Blake.

"I pissed her off?!" he repeated defensively.

"This is your fault!" Vincent growled in Blake's face. "Get out of here," he commanded. Blake did what he asked, and was gone without another complaint.

Theresa was death glaring at the man pointing the gun at her. Vincent put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down, but it didn't work. Theresa shook his hand off.

"You can leave, too," Vincent told the guard fighting with Edgar.

"Are you sure?"

"Don't question me," he said bitterly. "I want both of you to get out of here."

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