Chapter Twenty-Six

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Trubel and Blake parked where they had parked the last time they visited the shop and walked through the front door where Monroe and Rosalee were waiting for them. A few minutes later, Hank and Wu showed up.

"So, I guess we're all here," Hank said.

"Good," Trubel began. "How is working with HW? Have you gotten to talk to anyone, yet?"

"Actually, yeah," Monroe began. "See, we called one of the phone numbers you gave us, and this guy named Sam answered. At first, he was suspicious of us and started talking to us about how he hadn't seen you or Vincent or Adam, but we explained to him what you explained to us. I think you might still need to talk to him, but anyway, we sort of came to an understanding. We haven't actually done anything yet, but we did come up with a plan."

"Okay," Trubel said, nodding and trying to absorb the influx of information that Monroe had just frantically provided. "What's the plan?"

Rosalee decided to take over. "We talked to Sam and we decided to keep our plan quiet until we start to get something done. Sam's going to ask HW agents if any of them would like to go undercover with Black Claw. He'll take the names and information of the ones that say yes, give them to us, and we'll give them to you. You can pick them up like you've been doing with other agents, take them to the compound, and that's when Nick and Vincent can recruit them."

Blake cut in. "Will the agents know that we're good guys?"

"If you tell them. Otherwise, no, they won't," Rosalee said. "They will think they've been kidnapped like the others."

"We figured it would be better that way," Monroe explained. "They won't have enough information to reveal your plan to Nick or Bonaparte, and they might put more effort into fighting in order to take down the Black Claw compound."

"That's perfect," Trubel agreed. "It will look like the story I told Bonaparte is real, Nick will keep thinking that I'm against him, and Blake and I only have to bring in willing HW agents who can probably help out Nick and Vincent."

"Do you need us to do anything?" Hank asked.

"We still need to plan the attack on the compound," Trubel said.

"We talked to Sam about that," Rosalee said. "He thinks he can help us arrange that, too."

"I believe it," Wu said. "I'm sure everyone from HW would love to take out Black Claw's compound and get their revenge."

"I want to talk to Sam," Trubel said. Rosalee handed her cell phone to Trubel. She figured that her caller ID would look better to Sam than a burner phone's.

Trubel had left the room to converse with Sam. Everyone who was left behind started looking at one another awkwardly until someone finally asked the question.

"How is she?" Hank asked. "For real?"

"As you can guess, it's still been pretty rough. Bonaparte didn't do anything to her if that's what you wanted to know," Blake explained and Rosalee and Monroe exchanged looks of relief. "But Nick is being a real pain."

"Nick?" Hank asked, confused. "What did Nick do?"

"He found out that Trubel and I came here. He's under the impression that we tricked you, and are using you to get information for Black Claw, so he's pretty pissed," Blake explained. "He actually confronted Trubel about it," Blake added.

"Oh, boy," Wu said. "That sounds like fun."

"They got in a huge fight. Trubel told me Nick threatened her," Blake said.

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