Chapter Three

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Vincent was walking with Renard to the garage.

"How do you like the place?" he asked.

"It doesn't disappoint. You must be proud to be a part of such an organized and powerful group."

Vincent hesitated. "In some ways."

"Some? What do you mean by that?" Renard questioned.

"We have a habit of going overboard," Vincent said. Renard thought about Bonaparte's needless killing of Meisner and looked at Vincent. "What? You haven't noticed?" Vincent asked.

"I believe that certain measures must be taken in order to win this war. Bonaparte knows that, and that is why he's in charge." Renard said.

Vincent nodded. "Bonaparte told me that you knew Theresa before the world ended."

"I did. She's a force to be reckoned with, I can tell you that. Don't trust her," Renard warned shamelessly.

"You didn't ever get close to her? You weren't friends?"

Renard said, "No," but Vincent believed that he was being dishonest.

"You never helped her? She never helped you?" Vincent prodded.

"I was trying to help Nick one time, and I ended up getting shot. Theresa called an ambulance and killed the man that almost killed me. He was a Hundjager and she cut off his head with a machete."

"That seems like something that would be hard to forget," Vincent said, calling Renard out for his deception. "Does Bonaparte know?"

Renard replied honestly. "No, he doesn't, and I would prefer that he doesn't find out. Tell him what you want to, but what happened between Theresa and me doesn't make a difference to me."

"I can see that," Vincent said, unable to hide his disgust completely. "I'm sure it makes a difference to her."

"I'm sure it does," Renard said. "If she's smart, she won't do anything about it."

"I guess we will see," Vincent stated. "Here we are." He opened the car door for Renard. "Bonaparte said that the keys are in the glovebox."

"Thank you," Renard said. He got in the car and Vincent shut the door behind him. Renard drove off after getting the keys and nodding at Vincent. Vincent headed back towards the inner compound.

Vincent made his way slowly down the hallway, going nowhere in particular. He heard screaming coming from one of the interrogation rooms. That wasn't rare.

He walked around and entered the adjacent door. It was the type of room that had a window where he could see everything that happened in the interrogation room. However, in the interrogation room itself, it just looked like a massive mirror. Vincent didn't usually like what he saw when he investigated a sound that he heard, and this time was no different. He looked through the window and saw the girl named Theresa on the ground. Bonaparte was yelling at her, telling her to ask him to stop. She didn't listen to him.

That was strange. Vincent was intrigued by her.

He watched the rest of the violence unfold, and left when it was over.

He had an idea.

"She seems to defy you when you and the other's try to intimidate her. She's stubborn. Anyone can see that." Vincent paused, "I think we should try going at this a different way." Vincent was hoping that Bonaparte would listen to him. After all, he and Josie were the only people that could make suggestions that Bonaparte would listen to.

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