Chapter Seven

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"Tomorrow?!" Vincent asked.

"Don't question me!" Bonaparte yelled in Vincent's face.

"It's too soon," Vincent said.

Bonaparte woged into a Zauberbiest and glared at Vincent who fell to the ground.

"Enough! You know I hate doing this to you," Bonaparte said. That was a lie. He enjoyed hurting everyone. He let Vincent go and woged back into a human.

Vincent got off the ground, panting. "What's your plan, sir?" he asked.

"I will be using help from my friends for two weeks. We'll see if we get results."

Two weeks. Vincent felt sick. "If it works, sir?"

"Then we keep doing it until we don't have to," Bonaparte answered.

"And, if it doesn't?" Vincent asked. "Sir?"

"Then, we keep experimenting."

Theresa tried her best not to move. The less she moved the less it hurt. She lay on the hard floor and tried not to think about how much pain she was in, but she was alone and didn't have much to distract her.

When she had spent the three months in solitary confinement, every now and then a new set of clothes would come in. She had changed into a white tank top and a pair of black jeans. It was hard to tell that there was blood on the jeans, but the tank top was soaked; she guessed that the white tank top was Bonaparte's idea. Both clothing items had slices all over them from where the Mauvais Dentes and the Geier decided to gouge their claws into her.

She was cold, but shivering sent her into near unconsciousness from how much it hurt. Every beat of her heart sent a throb into every painful part of her body. She didn't get much sleep.

She hated to admit it, but denying it seemed like a ridiculous thing to do; she was scared - Scared of Bonaparte, scared of his friends, scared of the sadistic doctor...

But most of all, she was scared of her thoughts. She started asking herself dangerous questions.

Why was she still fighting? Why didn't she give up? What was this for? Who was this for?

Why did it matter if Nick didn't approve? Maybe he would have given in. He couldn't feel what she felt.

Maybe working for Black Claw could hurt people, but who cared? What kind of difference could she actually make?

Is resisting it even worth it?

But, she was hanging in there, even though she was barely accomplishing that.

They killed Nick! They killed innocent people, and they weren't going to stop! They were evil, and Trubel was pretty sure that she wasn't.

They would kill her, and the pain would stop. But she had to stay strong until that happened.

That seemed impossible.

It was day two of Bonaparte's "friend" method. Renard told Bonaparte that coming to the compound was straining his relationship with Adalind, so Bonaparte didn't make him come to watch, or even come back to the compound, for a very long time. He was worried about what would happen if he told Bonaparte that Adalind had found out about Theresa.

The first thing was getting Theresa out of the cell. She was still in unbearable pain. The Siegbarste didn't throw her that time, but he also wasn't careful when he threw her over his shoulder.

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