Chapter Sixteen

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Four weeks passed, and everyone waited to see what Theresa had become. Was she completely submissive, was she hollow and devoid of emotion, was she homicidal, was she loyal to anyone?

As it turned out, Bonaparte had the greatest ability to hurt her emotionally and physically. And, in the duration of four weeks, Theresa's alliances were loosened and then fell at Bonaparte's feet.

She was his.

The time finally came for Vincent and Nick to see her again.

Theresa was training in with three new recruits that were dedicated to the cause of Black Claw. Nick and Vincent silently entered the room and watched her try to train them.

"I told you a thousand times not to do that!" she screamed in the face of a teenager lying on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" the man said.

"For what?" Theresa asked.


The boy shouldn't have hesitated. Theresa walked up to him, still on the ground, and stomped on his chest, breaking his ribs.

"Get up!" she yelled at him. He was writhing in pain on the floor.

Theresa picked him up off of the ground by his shirt collar, lifted him off the ground, and slammed him against the wall.

"I told you to get up!" she yelled.

"You hurt me!" the boy complained.

"You don't even know what pain is. Do you want me to show you?!" she asked.

Suddenly, a few guards pushed past Nick and Vincent to get to Theresa.

She dropped the boy on the ground and asked the guards what they wanted.

"Bonaparte wants us to tell you to stop killing recruits. He wants to talk to you," one of the guards said.

"Damn it!" she cursed and walked out of the room, ignoring Vincent and Nick.

Nick and Vincent followed Theresa at a distance to Bonaparte's room.

Theresa went in and didn't come out until an hour later.

She emerged from the room. Nick and Vincent looked on as she made her way in their direction. She was holding her chest and breathing shallowly. She also had cuts on her face that were dripping blood, had a black eye, and had a bruise around her neck like a collar.

Nick and Vincent stepped in her way.

"Move," she ordered.

"Theresa, it's us," Vincent said.

"I know exactly who you are. Get out of my way," she commanded again.

"Are you okay?" Vincent asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

It happened so fast that Nick hardly saw it.

Theresa slammed Vincent against the wall and broke his arm. She walked away like nothing happened.

Vincent, broken arm and all, just turned and walked into Bonaparte's office.

"Why do you keep doing this to her? She's done everything that you wanted?" Vincent demanded.

"I punish her for mistakes, and she learns her lesson. That's why I do it," Bonaparte explained. He looked at Vincent's arm. "She did that to you?"

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