Chapter Twenty-Three

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Trubel eventually built up the courage to start the car and resume looking for Charles. As she drove, she still couldn't clear her mind.

There were so many things that could go wrong. What if Nick's revolution failed? What if he and Vincent never forgave her? What if they died? What if she died? What if Bonaparte found out about Nick's revolution and killed him before it happened? What if none of them ever escaped? What if Bonaparte kept them from ever seeing each other again? What if they just got locked in tiny boxes for the rest of their lives? What if Bonaparte tortured Nick and Vincent? What if something happened to Blake - the only person who knew what she was planning?

And then the thought struck her.

What if everything worked?

If everything ended up the way it was supposed to, then what?

She thought about how Bonaparte had turned her into a homicidal psychopath and made her forget who she was. She realized then that she was actually incredibly dangerous.

She knew that most of what she had been doing was an act to save her friends, but she also knew that some of it wasn't.

She had a tendency to snap, to lose control. She was able to kill people without even thinking about it. What if she lost control with Nick, or with Vincent? What if she was reunited with her friends? What if she accidentally hurt them... or worse.

She looked down at her speedometer during her panic attack and realized she was going almost a hundred miles per hour.

She slowed down and tried to focus entirely on her assignment from that point on.

Blake actually did have to tell Bonaparte what happened to keep his cover from being blown. Hopefully, Bonaparte wouldn't hurt Trubel... And, Blake was hoping that Trubel wouldn't hurt him for telling Bonaparte.

He found Bonaparte in his office. "You should know something," Blake said.

"And, that is...?" Bonaparte suggested.

"Theresa almost ran Vincent over with a car on her way out of here. She also broke a few of his ribs and gave him a concussion," Blake admitted.

"What am I going to do with her?" Bonaparte pondered.

"Well, if it helps, I talked to Vincent, and it seemed like he deserved it," Blake said.

"Deserved it how?" Bonaparte asked.

"I don't really blame him for having a tough time with the Theresa thing," Blake explained.

"I understand. Go on," Bonaparte requested.

Blake nodded. "But he is getting in Theresa's way, and she won't have any of it."

"I wish I could get her to understand when and where to use self-control," Bonaparte said, frustrated.

"I think she gets it. Maybe she's doing the right thing." Blake began to list the good qualities of Trubel's decisions. "She's not letting anyone get in the way of her assignments, she's helping Vincent and Nick understand their new situation, she didn't kill them..." Blake said, counting on his fingers.

"You've convinced me," Bonaparte told Blake. He was nodding to himself, thinking about how impressively ruthless his Theresa could be. "Thank you for letting me know what's going on around the compound and for giving me your opinion. You know, I have actually been quite impressed with you recently."

"Thank you, sir," Blake said.

"I think you are helpful to the development of our new Theresa. I want you around her more often."

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