Chapter Twelve

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Nick was on a mission to go find Vincent. He had to tell him what happened.

"Let her go, man!" Vincent yelled.

Nick heard someone else mumbling in response.

"I don't believe you! Bonaparte hasn't done anything like this for a year and a half. Why would he want you to do this?"

The other guy was yelling. It was Robert. "Because she screwed up. Just let it go. It's not your business."

"Everyone! Shut up!" Theresa yelled. "This really isn't any of your business, Vincent."

"But-" Vincent objected.

"Stop!" Trubel told him. "And, you!" Trubel shouted. "I'm am going where you want, so get your hands off of me before I break them off! Got it?!"

"I would listen to her," Blake told Robert.

"Geez! You guys are all crazy," Robert said.

Nick had to wait for the yelling to stop because he wasn't allowed near Theresa. He figured that she and Blake and Robert were gone when he heard a single person walking his way.

"What is going on?" Vincent asked Nick as he rounded the corner.

"It's my fault. I told Bonaparte to go to hell and Theresa defended me," Nick said. He hated calling her Theresa.

"I think it's time that you see something," Vincent said seriously. "Come here."

Vincent started leading Nick down a way he had never been before. They twisted and turned until they made it to a small room with a TV. Vincent pulled out a DVD from a nearby shelf and popped it into the TV. It was security camera footage. "I had the techs put this together for you," Vincent said. "You aren't going to want to watch the whole thing, but I think you should. You need to understand the risks of what you, Theresa, and I are trying to do."

Nick started watching.

He saw the date at the bottom of the screen. What was happening took place almost two years ago.

He watched a man carrying someone unconscious into a holding cell and throw them down. It was Trubel and Blake the first day they got to the compound. He saw Trubel wake up a few times and try to fight against four Blutbaden at once.

Nick saw everything. The first conversation with Bonaparte. The two weeks that were actually not so bad until one of the later days when Blake attacked Trubel. The second meeting with Bonaparte. The fight's Trubel had with Bonaparte's deadly friends. All of Trubel's visits to the infirmary. Everything.

Nick thought he was going to throw up. Everything was so painful to watch and the people at the compound were seriously sick, sadistic monsters.

The video kept playing. It took place a few months after Trubel was first brought to the mental institution room.

Bonaparte had someone tied to a chair. They were a prisoner and clearly terrified. Bonaparte whispered something in Trubel's ear and put a knife in her hand. She walked over to the prisoner and stabbed him in the neck without hesitation. The man coughed up a bit of blood before going limp. He was dead. Bonaparte walked over to Trubel and took the knife out of her hand. He put his arm around her shoulder and they walked out of the room together.

Trubel hadn't been lying to Nick to scare him off. She really had killed people for Bonaparte.

There were plenty more videos of Theresa doing similar, horrible things.

Eventually, the footage stopped and Nick stood, staring at the black screen.

He couldn't move.

"Now you know," Vincent told Nick. "I'm sorry, Nick."

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