Chapter Two: Trubel's Story

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Both of the black cars were parked in the compound's garage. Neither the compound or the garage was visible from the outside; it was a great place to hide, to plot, and to keep someone from every being seen again.

The same person who threw the young Grimm in the trunk lifted her out, and not very carefully. He had found out, along with Renard, Bonaparte, and the rest of them, that the young Grimm had killed all five of the men she attacked. He would be happy to see her dead.

He took her out carelessly, bashing her head on the side of the trunk, and slung her over his shoulder once again.

"Blake?" Bonaparte's voice echoed through the garage.

"Yes, sir?" the man holding Trubel asked.

"Put her in a holding cell. I'll deal with her when she wakes up," Bonaparte commanded. "Take Will, Robert, and Al with you, just in case she wakes up prematurely."

"Yes, sir," answered Blake. He wandered off with the other three men.

Bonaparte turned to Renard. It was Renard's first time visiting the compound. "It's time for the grand tour," he said." I'll show you everything there is to know about the compound. You'll be working here soon enough, but for now, just follow me." They walked off.

Blake wandered down the hall, carrying the girl. He was happy that she was light, but he was a Blutbad, a wolf Wesen, so it wouldn't have mattered much if she wasn't.

"What if she had a little accident. Fell down a flight of stairs...?"

"That would be a shame," Blake answered sarcastically, grinning at Will.

Al spoke up. "Bonaparte would kill us. He wants her alive, guys."

"Damn, this sucks," Will said. "You know, a Grimm killed my grandpa."

"What do you think killed my parents, idiot!" Robert yelled from the back of the pack.

"My sister. Dead at the hands of a Grimm. Can you guys beat that?" Al asked.

Robert was pissed. He grabbed the back of Al's shirt and used it to throw him against a wall. "I lost two people!"

"Well, I actually liked my sister! You said you hated your parents!" Al yelled back.

"You really think it makes a difference whether I liked them or not?" Robert asked.

Will walked up to them. "They probably all had it coming. My grandpa? He was a great guy. He didn't deserve to be decapitated! Damn straight!"

Robert and Al both turned on him. "What the hell'd you just say?" Robert shouted. Al pulled his arm back, ready to punch Will.

Blake rolled his eyes, setting the Grimm down on the ground, and grabbed Al's arm before it broke Will's face. "Guys." No one looked at him. "Guys! Enough, alright? It's not a competition!" Al, Robert, and Will glanced at Blake who continued his speech. "We've all lost someone, okay? Because of Grimms." Everyone looked at Trubel. Robert started licking his lips. Blake saw him losing control and put his hand on Robert's chest. "Not, now," he said sternly. "But the day will come where we can do some damage. There's no way she's getting out of here, and there is no way Bonaparte won't want to have a little fun before he gets rid of her." A menacing and sadistic smile flashed across Blake's face. "I promise," he said, and they all started laughing. Blake picked up the unconscious Grimm and continued walking down the hall.

Bonaparte had every intention of showing Renard the whole compound, but he needed something from Renard first.

"This," he said gesturing to the room around him, "is the interrogation room. One of many."

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