chapter 19

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Hana pov
Triiiinggg tringgg
The bell rings. This whole week has been just nothing but work. And on top of all my work anne wanted me to help her with the wedding shopping. Today is Sunday the only day I'm free.  she is coming to pick me up for shopping but for me. My brother was about to open the door.

"I'll get it Malik. Wait." I move him away. Usually I run away if the bell rings. Today I know it's Anne. But i was wrong it wasn't anne.

" Assalamualaikum my dear. " aunty sadia and samha says as they see me. I wasn't shock to see them but Mr.irfan.   he was standing there with rehaan behind aunty. Well now how do I know mr.irfan. let me explain after couple of days working in the company. I was ok. I knew how to carry and balance files. I had no trouble going in the elevator anymore. Luke and lisa were my new buddies. But suddenly I was walking to my office one day when suddenly I saw man was gonna knock by a truck.  He was clearly not in this world. I did what anyone else would do. Grabbed him and pull him away. I know this seem like some drama scene. But it was happening truly live . He was shocked.  Obviously he didn't know what happened. Then he realised what happened. He looks like his late forties. He thanked me and praised me. But this only made me late for my work. You guess right mister beast caught me. He started to yell. I was about to burst into tears the way he shout. But i control my self. But then a miracle happened. The man I saved entered and started scolding hashim. Hashim was just hanging his head down. Omg!!! The most arrogant jerk  is hanging his head low. What a pleasant site. Just then hashim said something made me hang my head down.

" yes dad. Ok " he said. What dad??? So this is Mr.irfan. the multi billionaire.
" I'm sorry for his behaviour dear. Once again thank you for saving my life. Your really a brave girl. What do you work here as?" Mr.irfan asked. I look at hashim. He look a bit surprised. Maybe because he heard I save his father.

" coffee girl " i said . Well I should say the truth. Why would I lie. After all he should know his son named me like that. I mean who work as a coffee girl in a company. He looked at hashim angrily. Then said nothing just smiled at me. Great good luck hashim. Will Mr.irfan give me a promotion. I'm not taking advantage of the situation but I wish he did. 

End of that. Yeah that's how I met him. But i never expected him to be in front of my house with the promotion or whatever. What if he say mum about my job. She's gonna be so mad for lying. I let them in and replied thire  salaam. Just then mum came to the living room. They started chit chatting. I just stood there all sweating. I can feel my self shivering.

" oh hana dear come here. " called aunty. I sat middle of samha and aunty mum was sitting right front of us. And Mr.irfan and rehaan to the left.

" so how are you doing hana? Did you find a job?" She asked while looking at me. I couldn't reply. Mr.irfan replies instead.

"Sadie she is the girl who save me. Remember I told hashim has a muslim girl as his new assistance. " he said. That's it i just snapped my head at him. He's smiled warmly at me. Did he just say hashim's assistance. Mum looked confused. Because i never told her about saving a man.

" Really bhai. She is the girl i was talking about too. Oh mashallah she is sure a brave girl." She patted my cheek.

" hana go get something to them" mum says. I stood up.  Samha join me.
Samha following me. She sat on the chair. I grabbed the cookie box and other stuff I need to prepare some tea.
I felt bad and awkward for a moment. I thought of making a conversation.

"So what's up samha? How is life?" I asked her. While poring the tea into the cups.

" nothing much just bored. Hana would you mind joining me for shopping? " she asked her eyes begging.  That's when i remember anne. She must be damn angry with me. Well why didn't she call me. I thought. I grabbed my phone from the pocket that's when I saw 50 missed calls some from lisa and most from aysha. And 15 msg oh my Allah. I turned to samha. I didn't answer her yet.

" yeah sure thing samha. But I'm busy during the weekdays. What about the weekend. My boss will chopp me." I said thinking of hashim's pretty face with a scowl. Samha started laughing historically. What's wrong with this girl.

" oh my is hashim bhai that scary and rude. Look at your face it say it all. If your worried about a day off. Leave it to me. I can take you anytime " she said with a smirk. Oh yes I totally forgot they are cousins. But i don't think he'll give me a day off. Because it is only been a week I have start working.

"Well samha that would be great but what about this weekend." I said while carring the tea and cookies.  She follow me. But i froze when I heard aunty and Mr.irfan say something deadly to mumma. Nooooo this can't be happening. ........

Aunty sadia pov

Well honestly I felt nervous thinking what farhana would say. Bhai wanted to get hashim a good match soon. The day he left the table without answering and the way he behave is bothering  bhai a lot. I really want the old happy life in this house. Bhai was never like this stressed he was a happy successful man. The only way I can fix him is finding hashim a girl. That's when hana crossed my mind . I told bhai about her. I know farhana since I was little. Hana is well mannered girl. She is a perfect match for hashim. I'm sure she'll fix the broken family. That is why we are here. I look at farhana then at bhai. He looked at me signaling me to ask farhana.

"Farhana bhai has something to ask from you" i said. She look at us a nervous smile.

" yes sure " she said. Looking more eagerly to know what it is. Bhai was looking at me. I nod at him to continue.

" we are here to ask your daughter in marriage to my son hashim." He said in one breath. Woah bhai was too fast. He never change. Farhana whole face lit up.

" you mean hana ? " she asked clearly  shocked. I laughed. And rapped my hand around her .

" yes your hana for our hashim" I replied happily.


Hey my lovelies😘 . Hope you'll enjoy this chapter. Please keep on reading to know what happens next.

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