chapter 15

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Finally I was front of a huge building and was able to get Rizwan out of my mind. Just the building it self was very admirable. It had a glass sliding door. I took a deep breath and walked in. Inside was even more perfect I already fell in love with the interior designs. With a canvase on every wall but every girl passing by gave me a dirty look. I shurgged and walked near an area where the receptionist was.  I saw a beautiful blonde smiling at me warmly. I beamed.

"How can I help you beautiful" she asked me kindly. I blushed under her complement.
"I'm here for the job interview." As I told that her face drop.
" I'm sorry dear it was finish few minutes ago." My heart sank. She gave me a piece of paper about the job standards. I lost this just because that nuthead Urr! Saying I'm furious would be an underestimate.
I just returned it. Just then the phone next to her ringed. She answered it and looked my way and then grinned. She cut the line.

"I think it's your lucky day . Boss want you in his office. All the very best" she thump ups. She told he's in the 12 th floor. I can't believe what kind of miracle just happened. I followed her instructions.   I got in the lift. There was two girls and a man. The girl's were giving me dirty looks. The man just had a blank face. I didn't care much. Oh Allah why is it taking forever to get 12th floor. The girls got out early. Now I was alone with that strange man. I just started at the ground awkwardly . Finally the lift ting and i got out fast. It wasn't hard to find the room because it was the only room in that floor beside the small room which is next to it. That man entered the room. Was he my boss. No way!

I took in a sharp breath. Calm down hana. I spoke to my self. After some struggle whether or not to knock.
I knock the door. That's when a man came out. He's umm... very huge and well build.
I was very tinny next to him. I smiled at him nervously. To my surprise He smiled back.
He opened the door to me. The man who entered before came out all red. I wonder why. I went in and the door shut. I was greated with a strong scent of citricwood. Every thing here scream luxury. I obseverd the room .My eyes land on a man facing his back to me. He was looking out the glass walls which views the whole city. WoW! It was beautiful.
I cleared my throat. He turn around. What him? No no no . My mouth hung open . I'm sure it's touching the ground. He plastered a smile on his face. That's when I realised why the boss wanted me here.

"Take a seat " he said in a deep cold tone.
" yo..u are the boss?" I asked blinking my eyes rapidly. He sat in his chair. And lean back.
"Apparently! You are in my company" he smirks.
" yourrr Hashim irfan the young billionaire-" he cut me off.
"No shit Sherlock, look like you did some research on me" he lifted an eyebrow.
I didn't have anything to say back. Marwa told me something about a young business man. Who is in the top. I should have done a good research. He just kept on looking at me.  I'm not gonna lose my confidence. My hands are dripping water. I know eww but my hand sweat when I'm too afraid.
  Now to loose this job.
"I said take a seat. Do you hear me"he said sharply. I jumped a bit. He's scary now. I just sat and gave him my files.
That's what am here for. I can't loose this job.

" it's very funny, you know on street you was really angry and had a big mouth, and now you look like a puppy who doesn't want to be kicked out" he chuckled. He went through my file.

" I'm sorry for that " I said forcing a innocent smile.
" it was this old man who knock me down , it was his fault. That I'm late .He was blind I guess " I said angrily. How dare he.

" Stop with your sarcasm! " he retorted. Oh oh I think better keep shut my big mouth.
" No it wasn't his fault, but does that mean your clumsy and not punctual on time. I don't need clumsy and late people working for me." He said.

"I was distracted" i state. Why is he being a big head. He knows it was his fault. Urge! How much i wish to strangle him to death. Asgharfirullah!

"Another reason to not hire you" he says.
" please give me a chance I will do my job well. I'm sure I'll be an expert " I pleaded.
"No" he state.
"I will do anything you want"I begged.
" Really? " He asks amused.what oh
" No I mean any work " uff I sign. A corner of his mouth lifted.
" Ok so from Monday to Friday I want you here at seven am without lateness " he said coldly. He continues .
" And you will leave at six pm not a second early got it" he asked.
" yes sir , umm what is my work " I asked because he didn't say it .or did he.
" coffee maker" he says while looking at me with a not so good smile. Oh how am i suppose to make coffee.  I mean I'm not that good at making coffee.
" Is there anything wrong miss ana" he asked.
" no sir. I will accept that job. And btw I'm hana " why can't he say my name properly.  It's a short and simple. Just then his PA who was the huge kind man knocks and entered .
" sir there here. " he announced.  I turn to hashim my soon to be boss. To my surprise he's not even looking at him he's on the phone. Then he turned to his PA.
" uh yeah mark I'll be there. Just make them seated " he says. He's PA mark nod and left. I was still seated. He stares at me with his eyebrow lifted.

" you may leave now " he said. Stupid me still seated.  I grabbed my files which he extended. I have to tell the happy news to mum and Malik. I exited the building not before waving at that kind receptionist who'll be my new friend from tomorrow. I had to take the bus again.

Hey my beautiful readers😊. I'm very thankful for your support. I can't believe that this story has soo many readers. At some point i really wanted to stop this but your words gave me the strength to continue writing. I know there is soo much of mistakes, i should correct them. I would like if someone can help. I'm very sorry if the chapters are short and slow updates. 

So hopefully you'll enjoyed this chapter. Keep on reading to know what's gonna happen in HANA'S and HASHIM'S life.

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