Adrian, "babe what's going on?"

"I know I have no real reason to be afraid or nervous about this interview thing but what if they bring up trey. I don't think I can handle that. I just don't want that energy around me"

Adrian, "listen if there's anything you don't feel like answering then you don't have to say anything. I'm going To be there and I promise my friends isn't like that type. He's not a gossip reporter. He does solid opinion pieces"

"I know but I haven't been interviewed in so long and you know that whole nude leak scandal really messed with me. People are still coming after me for that sometimes and it was embarrassing. Plus I've been trying to keep this on the down low but Trey hasn't made thins easy"

Adrian, "he still "occasionally" hitting you up?"

"Yes and I keep on telling him that it's time to move on. I dot understand why he won't get the message but I can't deny and say that we don't have a long and complicated history but I'm with you now and I am devoted to making us work"

Adrian, "listen I know that we are focused on each other and you are honest with me and I do the same with you. As long as we have each other that's all that matters. If you aren't sure about the interview then we don't have to do it. You know I've been trying to keep a low profile and do me but I do think this would be a good look. I'm trying to build my brand outside of mma"

"Why? Thinking of retiring soon?"

Adrian, "honestly yeah. Its been a great career and I love doing it. It's been my dream since I was a little bad ass kid I the street and it made me a lot of money but it's a lot to keep up with. I'm constantly training and dieting and it rises up a lot of my life. I've limited my friend group and haven't enjoyed my life as much because of how dedicated I've been to work. Now you're back in my life and I'm in the right head space to actually commit and if we're going to have a future together then I need to actually be there. I know that I would like to get married and have a house full of kids. We got a house in vegas just waiting to be filled with kids and when you're ready say the word and I'm done"

"I'm ready"

Adrian, "you joke now but I'm serious. I made a nice life. We can live beyond comfortable and you got the business booming. Soon you'll be able to take care of me"

"I'm ready, if you're serious I'm ready. I'm not trying to be some girl all over instagram anymore. I want a family and to just be with someone that's willing to devotee 110%. We have a strong past and it's been a journey but you know I love you and I'm willing to go to the end of the earth for you. If you're ready to have a child and do this then I'm ready with you. We in the same boat"

Adrian, "okay. Ms.boss lady. I hear you loud and clear"

"I'll remember. So don't be surprised when I pull up with my sonogram then. I'm holding you to your word"

Adrian, "as you should. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon"

The next morning Adrian was waking me up extra early and I was exhausted. Luckily I had a nice green smoothie waiting for me. As we were leaving my place I saw this girl like almost following us and Adrian wasn't having it. I didn't want him to make a scene and we rushed into the car. The flirt was quiet. I answered some emails and then feel asleep because I was exhausted. By the time we made it back to the Vegas house I was starving and of course there was no food at all. Adrian was being nice and decided to drive us to the supermarket.

The next morning I was up early making breakfast and setting up the place for the interview. The photographers assistant and camera crew were knocking on the door almost an hour before schedule and I was still in sweats. Adrian had gone on a run and as I the shower when they came. The crew was totally friendly and I offered them food. Adrian's friend was named Austin and he looked afraid to say anything to me.

"Hi. I know Adrian's excited to have you come over and do this"

Austin, "yeah I'm honestly surprised he even agreed to this. I know Adrian has been a private person and I told him that this isn't some super gossip thing. I doing a nice piece on mma culture and he's one of the biggest stars. I'm just trying to get some insight into his life outside of MMA and see how that plays into the whole picture"

"Yeah. He's excited to have such a great fried coming in but I've actually red some of your pieces and I know you're a talented writer. If Adrian is okay with this then I'm okay with it. You're someone he trust and I believe you'll do this piece justice"

Austin, "thanks for having such faith in me and I'll send you guys a fought draft before I send it to my editor. I realize how unique this is and I'm going to make sure it's amazing not just for the readers but for you as well"

Adrian, "Austin freaking Somos how are you doing?"

Austin, "honored and blessed to be here with you today. I mean look at this place. It's a far cry from the backwoods of Virginia"

Adrian, "yeah. I'm glad you're here. You know I'm not into doing all the interviews but you're a great dude and you've helped me out before. It's good to have you here and tell the crew our house is there's for the day. We got some food for you guys and there's a nice breeze. You're welcome to stay the whole day and evening. I'll put some steaks on the grill. Do it up real nice"

Austin, "you don't have to tell me twice"

Adrian, "okay so how do you want to start this. I cleared the deck out for us so we can talk out there"

Adrian, "honestly we can do it anywhere you feel comfortable"

As Adrian and Austin talked I could see them laughing at moments and then it was serious. I didn't know what to think. By the time it was my turn I was getting some lunch ready for the staff. After Austin and Adrian finished up lunch we had a break time. Afterwards it was my turn.

Austin, "so many people have wondered what's Adrian like when he's not in the octagon? You know is he that same silent killer?"

"Haha. Silent killer please. This dude is like the loudest person in the house. We watch tv and he's always fighting with the characters. It makes me laugh. But I love him"

Austin, "okay. So explain to the world the other side of Adrian? What should we know about him"

"He's a very caring man. He would do anything for the people he loves and he is very patient and understanding. You know he's a disciplined man and he loves his job. He loves the fans and he's supportive of me and my dreams. Just as I am of his. I want the world to like that he's a very caring man with a huge heart and a lot of energy. He wants people to be happy and does a lot to give back to the community"

Austin, "so many people may not know but you and Adrian have been together for a long time. Did you always believe that he would be this big of a star?"

"Yeah. I actually knew Adrian when I was in high school and we started dating back then. He was always into fighting and I thought he was going to be like the next Floyd mayweather but then he got into mma. We dated for a while when he first stated training but it was hard because he had to dedicate so much time and energy to training. Eventually we got back together but the journey hasn't been easy but I'm more than overjoyed to see him in this place that he is now. I've always believed in him and he'll tell you that I'm the first one to be by his side when he's training or getting into the zone. We wake up every morning for a run, we do work out together and I meal prep for us so this is not a one man journey"

Austin asked a couple more questions but it wasn't anything to intense. After the interview we all hung out and the photographer took a couple photos. Afterward we all just had a couple drinks and Austin and Adrian got to reminisce.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side ChickWhere stories live. Discover now