Jimin woke up with a start. His face felt hot, and as he realized what he had just dreamt, he felt deeply ashamed. Sunday had arrived, but Jimin doubted he could face Yoongi after what he had just dreamt. Jimin wanted to get up, take a cold shower, hopefully, wash some of his sins away, but he quickly realized he was hard. Fuck.

This had never happened to him before. Jimin was even a virgin, and he would not call himself a sexual being. But Yoongi had awoken something deep within him, a desire for pleasure.

Jimin decided to ignore the fact that he was hard as a rock and went to take a shower. Though, it didn't help much, as Jimin still vividly remembered the dream and everything it entailed.

Jimin got dressed and headed downstairs. Hopefully, food would distract him from his lewd thoughts. What didn't help was that Yoongi, already, was in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two.

Jimin caught himself staring at Yoongi, whose sleeves were rolled up, showing off his arms. Jimin got flashbacks to his dream of Yoongi pinning him against the wall. Did Jimin actually want that to happen? Jimin had never thought about what he liked sexually--rough or gentle? He did not know.

"Why are you standing in the corner, blushing?" Yoongi chuckled, pulling Jimin back to reality. He had forgotten that Yoongi could see him.

"I just took a shower. I guess the water was a bit too hot, so my face is flushed," Jimin lied because telling the truth would be horrible. Jimin didn't know what they were yet. Sure they had confessed to each other, but that didn't mean Yoongi wanted to have sex with Jimin, much less a relationship.

"Alright," Yoongi shrugged, seeming to buy the excuse, making Jimin breathe out in relief. He hadn't even noticed that he had been holding his breath.

The day went by too fast, and Jimin and Yoongi spent it together, mostly on the living room couch watching meaningless tv. Jimin had been too scared to bring up the question that was haunting his mind--what were they? And before Jimin knew it, nighttime had come, and they were eating pizza. Yoongi had felt too lazy to cook, and Jimin respected that. Jimin had even offered to cook, but Yoongi insisted they just got pizza. Jimin didn't oppose as he had zero cooking skills, considering what he used to make for himself consisted of the same two ingredients. Milk and cereal.

"I really should start eating healthier," Jimin laughed. He could see that he was gaining weight, eating as good as he did in Yoongi's presence. And as Jimin already was chubby before meeting Yoongi, he knew he was headed in a bad direction.

Yoongi just looked at him, confused. "Why?" Yoongi had asked the question genuinely.

"So I don't get more chubby," Jimin felt conscious all of a sudden, and he regretted starting the conversation. Weight was a sensitive topic, so why had Jimin even brought it up?

"Jimin, you are very skinny?" Yoongi looked completely perplexed.

"You're just saying that," Jimin tried laughing it off, hoping the conversation would die.

"I'm not. You are skinny, but not in a bad way. I like your body, but you are not even close to being chubby." Yoongi's eyes burned into Jimin's as if Yoongi was making sure Jimin heard every word. Jimin knew Yoongi was just being polite. And so he nodded, wanting the exchange to end. And it did.

Jimin excused himself shortly after, saying he felt tired. He used the excuse that they needed to get up early tomorrow for work, so he needed to get his beauty sleep. Yoongi hadn't protested--he even said he was going to bed soon as well. And so Jimin left the living room and went upstairs.

As Jimin was falling asleep, he prayed to every God possible that he would not have another inappropriate dream.


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