Provare (test)

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Come on out you rat! Scurry out so I can have a clean shot. My trained eye peers through the scope of my sniper rifle. I scanned quickly through the trees and umbrellas of the patio below. I swung the rifle back to the right to see the line of black sedans pull up alongside of the road in front of the family-owned Italian restaurant. This was my only chance to take a clean shot of the rat, as he exited the vehicle surrounded by several well-dressed men. I had been tailing him for two weeks and this was my best shot to get him at a distance. Time was running out. I have a deadline to meet.

I had been watching the Italians for weeks and something big was going on. They were on edge, being extra paranoid than normal. There was twice as many men now since I started surveillance. Whatever was going on had them spook. It took a lot to spook one of the most feared mafia families in Italy.

I knew I should have turned down this assignment. I hated fucking around with the mafia, especially the Italians. They were sticklers about killing people who fucked with any members of their family.

I don't know why the hit on Carmile Buccine was ordered, nor did I care. It had to be about some turf war between the families. At least he was not at the top of the family chain. Maybe retaliation wouldn't be that bad. He was a low-level boss, running strip clubs for the Barsotti Family. If you ask me, I was doing them a favor, he was skimming from the top and running more than women through the clubs. Hey, not my problem.

Dang! As soon as my target got out of the vehicle, my line of sight was blocked by a fucking balloon vendor, selling his crap to a bunch of tourists. Plan B it is then. I had less than forty minutes to get my ass down to that restaurant to complete the hit.

I quickly disassembled my rifle and packed my stuff. I secured the long curly wig on my head and popped in the blue contacts in my eyes. I quickly applied the bright, garish makeup on my face and pulled on the thigh-high, white boots. I quickly don on a fake fur coat over my all white outfit to achieve my look of a rich, snobby socialite.

I quickly exited the apartment building and scanned the park in front looking for the last thing to complete my outfit. Ah, just what I need. The park was filled with people, strolling out with their family and friends, taking a leisurely walk in the park. I scooped a small, white dog from the unsuspecting owner and put him under my jacket feeding him a treat that I had in my pocket.

I briskly walked around the block towards the restaurant, where Buccine was attending his biweekly meeting. I sped up as I saw the group making their way out of the restaurant. I bulldoze through his men, popping off the top of the syringe in my pocket. I bumped into my target hard and inject him with the poison.

"Ehi, guardarlo ragazza!" (Hey, watch it, girl!) Buccine shouted at me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I dropped the dog. He started yipping and scurrying through the men feet. "Frenchie, Frenchie, come back here."

I tried scampering through the gang of suits, as the sounds of Buccine chocking started. The poison was a fast acting agent that attack the major organs and inflamed the esophagus to prevent the victim from breathing. The stuff wasn't easy to come by and I use my last stash on the Italian rat.

I push my way through the men and was about to escape, when I heard shouting behind me.

"Fermala!" (Stop her!) One of the suits yelled.

I dodge under the last man arms, as he reached to grab me. I darted down the street shoving tourists out of my way. I glanced back to see the dark suits weaving their way towards me.

I changed direction, rushing out to the street streaming with cars and various motorbikes. Thank god for packed streets of Naples, the cars were not speeding. I was able to swerve between vehicles with only a few curses thrown at me and horns screaming. I almost made it across unscathed when a masked car careened into me. I saw it a second to late to avoid full impact. I managed to leap up rolling on top of the hood of the car and landed on the ground with an thud, ass first. I was going to feel that tomorrow, however right now I have to shake it off. At this rate, those Italians suits were going to catch me.

I managed to get to my feet and ran into the crowd of gawking specators. I ignored the gasps and shouts of concerns from the bystanders. I shrugged off the heavy coat and ran down one of the narrow streets between the high-rise buildings.

"Stop! Stop!" The men shouted at me. The roads was still littered with pedestrians that I used as human shields.
There was no way they were going to shoot at me and hit innocent citizens.

The buzzing sound up ahead was my saving grace. I just needed to have the right timing. At the last minute, I stretched out my arms as a Vespa slowly pass by me. The driver fell off and I snatched up the bike and took off at a higher speed away from the men on foot. I laughed waving my middle finger at the suits and sped away.

A car pulled out right in front of me and came to a screeching halt blocking the street. At my sped and close distance of the stopped car, I couldn't avoid the collusion. I slammed on the brake moments before contact. At impact, my body was violently disengaged from the bike and I sailed through the air over the hood of the car. I crashed on the pavement on my side, my head bounced on the ground. I groaned as I tried to get my bearings. I needed to get up, but my body wouldn't cooperate. My head was throbbing and I could barely keep my eyes open. I was fading fast.

A pair of expensive Italian shoes appeared in my limited field of vision. A string of Italian words were hanging over me and dread crept through me. A foot lodged under my shoulder and pushed me over. I was now laying flat on my back, a silhouette of a man standing over me with the sun illuminating his shape. He crouched down and a pair of gleaming amber eyes glared down at me.

"Gotcha." That was the last word I heard before I was sucked into darkness.


Sooo tell me what you think about my new story?


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