угроза (Threat)

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Chapter 24

"Excuse me, did you say Emil tried to kill you?" Barsotti had turned off the shower and I knew I should give him a moment to get dress, but curiousity was clouding my judgment.  Barsotti didn't seem to care if I was in there or not.  He stepped out of the shower not even trying to cover himself up and yanked the towel off the bar.  He was angrily drying himself off, not paying attention to me ogling his man parts. Oh what nice man parts he had.

"That is right. Your Latin lover tried to shoot me with an arrow." He secured the towel around his waist and stormed pass me and back into the bedroom.  The shower did nothing to calm him down. 

"Wait a minute,  now he is my lover? Are you sure it wasn't an accident." Barsotti gave me a kethal stare that I immediately wanted to diffuse. I threw my hands up, "Hey, hey don't give me that look. I can't believe my brief encounter would make him want to take you out to get to me. Let's think about this rationally."

"Don't worry I thought rationally with my fists." He angrily yanked on a pair of underwear, still not acknowledging my presence.  He was so caught up in his feelings, that the fragile state of modesty we tried to give each other was nonexistent right now.

"What did you do?" I sat on the bed and watched as he manhandled every piece of clothing that he was putting on his body. 

"I taught him to aim better."  Barsotti stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.  Oookkayyy.  He was obviously not in the mood to give me details right now.  I left the bedroom and went back into the kitchen.  I was hungry.  I decided to cook up a quick meal for the both of us.  I mulled over my conversation with Mindy as I quickly made two omelets.  My suspcious nature was back and maybe these people weren't so normal.  Why would Emil try to kill Barsotti? Who were the men that Mindy saw? I was munching on my omelet when Barsotti joined me at the table and started to eat.

I got up and poured him a glass of juice.  "Thank you."

"You welcome.  You calm enough now to tell me what happen on your hunting trip?"

He sat back in the chair and stared at me for a few seconds.  "The trip was going well until we split up into two groups.  Myself, Karl, and Tom in one group and Frank, Ethan, and Emil in the other.  We were chasing down a buck and flanking it, when your lover decided to shoot his arrow at me and not the buck."

"Are sure it wasn't an accident?"

"Positive." He growled.

"Oh-kay, what happen after that?"

"We exchanged a few words, then I entered my fists into the conversation. End of story."

"And my family thinks I'm reckless." I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing.  I will leave it alone.  Changing the subject, Mindy was telling me she saw a few suspicious looking men in the back of this community a few days before we arrived. I want to check it out tonight to make sure its clear.  It's probably nothing, she has an overactive imagination."

"I will go with you, but I'm not in the mood to eat with the others tonight.  I will cook us steaks for dinner. I'm going out for  a run. I need to burn off this energy." I followed him back into the living room and watched as he put on his shoes.

"You're going to run in this snow? Are you sure that's safe?" He shoved a hood over his head, ignoring me.

"I'm covered up.  No one can recognize me. Plus, you should be happy you don't have to deal with me."  He slammed the door in my face.  Fine, I meant that he might hurt himself slipping in the snow.  Whatever. I need to change and head over to Heather's.  I want to talk to Mindy to get more details.

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