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Chapter 40

We were in Bulguma and finally released from our private hell.  I demanded to find out what happened.  Peter quickly explained that men were checking cars and they had come on the van looking for two wanted people for questioning.  

“They didn’t have your pictures, just a broad description; a black woman and an Italian man.” Sergey bragged how they fooled the men and they quickly left them alone.  

"I hope you didn't over do it." I replied. Sergey just laughed and got off the van.  Barsotti had exited the van also to help the guys get the bags from underneath storage.  The girls had left and instructed me to stay inside, while they check us in to the hotel. I plopped down in a seat and leaned my head back.  My thoughts traveling to my earlier conversation with Barsotti.  I knew he wasn't going to let it go.  What the hell am I going to say?

“Вы обманули их, но не меня." (You have them fooled but not me.)  Kasey's voice brought me out of my thoughts. She was still sitting in the back and I was perched on the seat in the middle. Everyone had exited the van except for me and Kasey.  I didn’t even realize she was still in the van. "Я наблюдал за вами двумя. Вы ведь не замужем?" (I have been watching you two.  You are not married, are you?)

   "Kasey, о чем ты говоришь." (Kasey, what are you talking about?) I was going to ignore her.  I tried to talk to her and make amends but she avoided me.  I figured she would not believe anything I told her.  She blamed me for Natalia’s death.

"Вы используете нас, как и раньше. Вы не заботитесь о нас. Вы заботитесь только о себе. Другие не знают, а я знаю." (You are using us, like you did in the past. You don't care about us. You only care about yourself. The others don't know,  but I  do.) Damn, she was like an annoying little gnat that keeps flying in your face.

I walked back to where she was seated. She started it, so let’s finish this. This is my last time trying to talk to her. I was not going to let her make me feel any more guilty than I already do. "Что ты знаешь?" (What do you know?)

"Я подслушал, как мама разговаривала с мужчиной много лет назад. Он заплатил ей, чтобы она молчала о тебе." (I overheard Mama talking to a man years ago. He paid her off to keep her mouth shut about you.) She must mean Vik.  Mama had already told me that Vik came to clean up after my mess. There is no telling what she heard.

I am going to play dumb and see what she knows. "Вы ослышались." (You misheard.)

"Я знаю, что Кара - это не ваше настоящее имя. Вы использовали нас как прикрытие, чтобы спрятаться тогда и сейчас. Вы убийца, которому платит наибольшая цена." (I know Kara is not your real name. You used us as cover to hide then and now. You are a killer who is paid by the biggest bidder.)  She rose and stopped in front me. "Не волнуйся, твой секрет со мной в безопасности. Овца не поверит мне, даже если я им расскажу. Тебе будет все равно, если один из нас будет убит, пытаясь переправить тебя через границу?" (Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. The sheep wouldn't believe me, even if I told them. Will you even care if one of us is killed trying to smuggle you across the border?)

Well damn, she knew more than I thought. What the hell, Vik, he should have been more discreet. She advanced and bumped into me as she passed. I didn’t react. I was a little off guard that Kasey had carried this information for so many years without telling the others. "Упс, собираетесь убить меня сейчас, потому что я врезался в тебя?" (Oops, are going to kill me now because I bumped into you?) I ignored her childish taunt.  See I’ve grown.  The old me would have flatten her to the ground and pounded into her with my fists.  But I am not that person anymore.

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