Горшок меда (Honey Pot)

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Chapter 31

“Where are we going?” I read the road sign and realized we were not heading south towards the border town where Vik’s grandparents lived.

“Heading west to Kazan.  Viktor said you knew what to do when you get there.” Kazan? I hope he knows what he is doing.

“Well, I am going to get some sleep.  Boys play nice.” It would take hours to get there.  I laid down and got comfortable on the back seat. I took off the huge winter coat and balled it up to make it my pillow. I position arms under the coat and turned my back to the men in the front.  I listen to the men talk before drifting off to sleep.

“You captured and lived in Blackgate?” Drago asked Barsotti.

“Lived?  I survived it. There was no living there.” Barsotti responded.

“Da, da.  I hear it is hell?  Is true?” Drago had no idea.  The things I witnessed as I squirmed my way through the air ducts were not something I could forget easily.

“Yes.” Barsotti answered not giving details.  I’m sure he wished to forget every moment of his time there.

“My girl saved you?” Drago further his interrogation of Barsotti. His girl?  In his dream. I curse that slip in momentary sanity. He has been hounding me ever since.  If there was one thing I have regretted in my life and wish I could erase, having sex with Drago would be one of those times. He bragged to everyone in vulgar detail about our one time together.  The only time he didn't refer to it was in front of Vik. He knew Vik would have his ass, if he talk about me like that.

“You’re girl?” Barsotti voice stayed neutral. He sounded disinterested in their conversation.

“Da, my girl.” Barsotti responded with laughter. Good, I’m glad Barsotti sees the ridiculousness of me being Drago’s girl.

“Yes, your girl got me out of there.” Barsotti answered still chuckling over Drago’s claim over me.

“You and  сладость (sweetness)?” Damn, I wish he would stop calling me that.

“What about us?”

“You two fuck?” Well there goes my sleep.  I was wide awake waiting to hear Barsotti’s answer.  Does he kiss and tell? Or brag like Drago?

“Not your business.” I wanted to hug him.  He was definitely a man.

“Ah, yes you did. She is good, no? I only had a taste of the eh, how you say, honey dew. I want more, but she shut me off.” Oh hell no, please, please don’t talk about the time we got together.  Drago for once in your life restrain yourself.

“You mean honey pot.” Barsotti corrected. “Like I said, not your business.” Barsotti voice sounded a little more gruff.  I wish I could see the expression on his face. Drago was quiet for a couple of minutes. Whatever look Barsotti gave him was enough to shut him up.  Great, no more talking about me. Now, I can go to sleep in peace.

“She ball buster, that one. She will cut them off and turn you into her bitch. I see her do it.” I celebrated to early. I screamed in my head, shut the fuck up Drago.  He was intent on goading Barsotti for some reason.

“Are you one of her bitches?” Barsotti retorted. Ah, shit. I moved my head slightly into my arm to muffle my laugh.  I almost laughed out loud.

Drago guffawed. “Нет. (No.)”

“How about you pay attention to the road.  Stay in one lane. Let me worry about my balls.” Hallelujah, now maybe Drago will shut up.

Drago tutted a few times before responding. “Give you warning not to fall for that one. She no heart.” For the love of god, stop talking about me or I will rip out your vocal chords.

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