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Oops, as I am writing Chapter 39, I  was going back through previous chapters. I realized that I left out a whole chapter! Sorry guys!! Consider this a bonus chapter for those who have already gotten pass this chapter! Hope to have Chapter 39 up in a couple of days!


Chapter 34

Jack was pulled away from us by a couple of the guys on their skateboards.  It was easy to tell from the numerous glances and wild hand movements that they were discussing us.  Jack said something that made them all turn their full stares at me. Then they shook their heads vehemently and one grabbed Jack and shook him.  At first I thought there was going to be an altercation, but Jack started to laugh.

“Enlighten me? Any guesses what they are talking about.”  Barsotti whispered in my ear.

“Yeah, he just told them who I was and they don’t believe him.” I smiled and waved at the kids as they continued to stare at me. One of the guys pushed a kid towards me and he stumbled forward.

“Это правда? Вы действительно Кара? (Is it true?  Are you really the Kara?)” The kid asked waiting for my confirmation.

“Да, это я. (Yeah, it’s me.)” A strew of curses and unbelievable sounds came from the kids as they nudged Barsotti out of the way and surrounded me.  Questions flew at me at once that I really couldn’t decipher any of them.  
“Стоп, по одному. (Stop, one at a time.)”

“ Ты украл 50 человек одновременно? (Did you pickpocket 50 people at one time?)”

“Я слышал, что вы убили бригаду Сергея? (I heard that you took down the Sergegy gang?)”

“Это правда, что вы перепрыгнули через реку Чест? (Is it true that you jumped the Chespta River?)”

“Вы действительно скейтборд на вершине собора Спасо (You really skateboarded on top of the Spaso Cathedral?)”

I saw Jack rolled his eyes and I didn’t want to disappoint my new found fans.  It seems that my time here was a little exaggerated, but who am I to destroy their image of their hero.  “Да на все ваши вопросы. (Yes to all your questions.)”

“Я знал это! (I knew it!)”

“Я говорил тебе, что она настоящая. (I told you she was real.)”

“Эй, эй .. Дайте Кара немного места. Вернемся назад. (Hey, hey.. Give Kara some space.  Let’s head back.)”

Jack and Barsotti led the way with me and the other trailing behind them.  They asked details about their questions and I filled them in the best I could. I noticed as we went through the city that we were not heading towards the place they stayed when I was here.  We were headed towards the warehouse district along the river. We entered a 4-story building and got on an elevator that took us to the third floor.

“Все дети выходят. (All the kids get off.)” Jack announced. The  elevator opened up directly onto the floor that showed an open floor plan of the loft.  There were living quarters and I could see about 20 people lounging, playing video games, and talking. My new friends got off excitedly running to the others to tell them about me. Jack pushed the button for the top floor and the doors slowly closed and we lurched upward. The elevator door opened and unlike the third floor it opened up to a hallway with one single closed door. “This is us.”

Jack stepped off the elevator first and we followed.  He knocked on the door and we waited a few minutes before the door opened. We were met with the barrel of a gun. Jack immediately held his arms up in the air. Barsotti shoved me to the side and out of range of the weapon. “Mama put the gun down.”

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